Chapter 10: Training, That's All We Do Anymore

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"Naomi! Behind you!" Boba yells from across the training room.

    Naomi grunts as she just barely jumps away from the droid behind her. "You piece of crap!" She immediately launched a punch at the droid, she made contact unfortunately, not realizing that the droid was made out of metal and the punch would hurt her more than it. She reeled back, gripping her hand. Her dino partner, Aqua, came to her defense, stomping on the droid with it's foot. Naomi thanked it, before tagging out of the training session to get some medical treatment. She turned Aqua back into its chibi form.

    " Bye Naomi! Hope your hand gets better!" We all call out as she waved goodbye with her good hand.

    I roll away from a bot, getting up, asking, "Simon, would it be too much to ask that we be allowed to have weapons? It doesn't even have to be guns or anything, really I could do quite well with a small knife or even a stick."

    "Sure," Simon snaps his fingers from the sidelines and the droids stop moving, "Allow me to explain the new set of rules. In a moment, weapons will appear in different sections of the floor. If you want one, you'll have to run to it and grab it. However, by the time the weapons have appeared, the droids will be active again and you'll have to beat them to the weapons as well. If a droid manages to get a weapon before you must fight the droid to get it's weapon."

    "That sounds easy enough," Jelly says, " We can just use our dinos." Her Ichyoventator, Trout, gives a roar of approval a few meters away.

    "I'm glad you think so, Jelly. You're dinos are not allowed to interfere with your battles until you have a weapon." Simon says, even as a stoic robot, somehow he still is able to emulate a certain smugness at times. With that he snaps his fingers and the droids fizzle back to life. We all make a mad dash to the closest weapon we see. The one I see is a set of small daggers. I launch myself into a sprint, slide on the ground between a droids legs, and completely pass where the daggers are. Because that's just my luck. I quickly stand up and fumble towards the set of daggers. However, a droid beats me to it, it waves the daggers in front of me, in an almost taunting gesture. It sways back and forth like a boxer, trying to assess my next move. I weigh out my options, I figure my best options are to sweep it's legs out from under it. I drop down to sweep it's legs only to be kicked in the face. The droids are in advanced training mode so they just leave minor bruises when they hit us, but still! A metal foot to the face does not feel nice! I land flat on my butt as a result of the kick, gripping my face. The droid continues it's assault, kicking me again. This time, I'm able to just barely block it with my arms. It goes in for a third kick, and I devise a quick plan. When it's foot comes close enough, I grab it, and toss it to the left. It lets go of the daggers as it falls to the left, the daggers fall onto it. I stand up, wiping my nose, and go over to its body.

    "I hope I'm not bleeding," I say as I twist out the daggers from the droid's body.

    "Dark! Look out!" HC shouts.

    I turn to see Potato's dinosaur partner, Cam, throw a droid's body in my direction. "Well, shit." I state as I try to jump out of the way, only to jump into Tootsie. Tootsie in turn falls onto Artstor and very soon there is a tangled mess of humans and droids rolling on the ground.

    Simon snaps his fingers, the droids lose the light in their eyes as they deactivate. Thankfully, with the droids deactivated, We can free ourselves from the tangled mess.

    "Alright, for the last few minutes of training we will review what happened. Who has any ideas as to what went wrong?' Simon inquires.

    Potato raises her hand, "I guess, it was because Cam threw the droid." Her dino partner gives a small whimper of apology in it's chibi form.

    "I also dodged not thinking about who was near me." I say, scratching the back of my neck.

    I don't want Potato and Cam to take all the blame, it's not fair. This whole thing was ridiculous anyway, we've been training double as much as we usually do and I don't think we've really made any progress, other than being better at untangling knots. I have to wonder if we can pull our mission off if we're not a well oiled machine. The mission is only two days away. I sigh and run my hands through my hair.

    Simon seems to read my mind, "Don't feel frustrated by this. We'll work on it tomorrow and the day afterward, and you'll be spectacular For now, why don't all of you head to the infirmary to get your wounds checked out and take it easy for the rest of the day."

    We murmur in agreement and head to the infirmary dejected.

We're all getting out wounds treated when Ocean pipes, "Do you guys think we'll be able to pull off the mission?"

An uneasy feeling settles in the room. Sugar shakes her head, "No, we're always doing stuff like this. I don't think we'll be able to handle the real thing in two days."

"What are we doing wrong?" Tootsie says as more of a statement than a question.

"Everything." HC responds bitterly.

A lightbulb goes off in my mind, I know what we're doing wrong. "We expect everyone to be a leader when really we need one set leader. We wouldn't be relying on just ourselves if we had a leader to communicate and direct us."

Everyone perks up in agreement as we start debating who should be leader. At some point we all agree that I should be the leader.

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