Chapter 30: The Rush to Yellow Cosmos

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"Oi! Wake up!" I hear as someone violently shakes me from the dreamworld and into reality.

"Alright, alright. I'm up" I say as I grab the hands on my shoulders and gently push them away. I rub my eyes of the sleepiness and focus on Jelly's concerned face. I jolt up and start getting ready, grabbing the broadsword from the trunk while still in my seat.

Jelly let's out a tiny scream, "Be careful! You almost sliced off my face."

I look to the sword and back at her, "Oh, sorry." I send her an apologetic smile. We exit the car and creep towards the base, however, a massive sword makes creeping hard. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm still tired which is strange.

"How do we get in? This place is loaded with droids." HC points out in a careful whisper.

"Rod, give us 3 minutes to get to the door before turning off the security system. That way we optimize our time searching for the stone inside." Rod nods from the call on my dinobracer. "As for us, I can see about 12 droids stationed at each door way, we would want to take a side door in. So, take a friend and we'll try and take down all the droids at once. Oh and make sure your friend has a long range weapon. I'll go alone"

HC and Sugar moved so that HC was next to four droids while Sugar was on high ground near her ready to attack the droids she wasn't able to get. Guava and Jelly did the same thing except in a different place. I go take on four alone with only my wits, sword, and powers. I made a quiet whistling sound before I swing my sword down on the droids heads, I destroyed two in one hit but realized my mistake when I couldn't dislodge my sword from their heads as the other two approached. Panicking, I let go of the sword and manifest a sword of my own, my hands start shaking violently and I feel sick but the sword eventually forms. I swing it at the droids' torsos just in time, before they can notice me. I quickly dissipate the sword and give my actual sword a good yank out of the heads of the previous droids.

The others whistle, signaling that they've all gotten rid of their droids. We met at the door and I have Rod disable the security. Once we enter though we realize how hard our mission is going to be, droids are constantly patrolling the halls, if you turn a corner you are almost guaranteed to see a droid. However, Rod is able to send us the blueprints to the base, which made navigating the vents(our chosen mode of transportation) easier. While we crawled through the vents, making occasional turns as HC leads us to the vault with the Yellow Cosmo Stone. Though I'm starting to feel tired again.

Hopping down from out of the vent, we're surprised to see that there aren't any droids inside the vault. I guess that shows how confident the Space Pirates are about their defense, boy are they going to be pissed. The stone sat on a stone pillar that placed it perfectly in a ray of moonlight.

"Alright who has the container?" I ask and a stunned silence follows.

"We thought you had it..." Guava says, trailing off.

I bit my lip in embarrassment, "Oh... Shoot. Does anyone have like a spare cloth or something then?"

"Ah ha!" HC held out her winter hat.

"Perfect!" I carefully place the hat over the stone, grabbing the stone through the hat.

Our escape is almost flawless. Almost. I kinda passed out right outside of the car and the others had to carry me into the car. Before we drove off.

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