Chapter 17: Are You Up For That?

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I rush to the meeting room, and barely made it in time. I had accidentally forgotten about the meeting until Ocean came down to the kitchen, where I was resting, and reminded me about it. I had to quickly change from my training clothes into more casual clothing. I bolt through the meeting room doors just in time, absolutely exhausted.

    "Welcome Dark, right on time." Dr. Taylor raises an eyebrow in disapproval.

    "Yeah, sorry. I got caught up." I say as I sit down at the circular table.

    "We called you all here to discuss another mission. Seth recently decoded another base location from the intel you gathered from the base before. However, the only difference is that this one is significantly bigger, it has better defenses, droids, everything-" Dr. Ancient explains.

    "We can handle that!" Potato scoffs.

    "The enthusiasm is appreciated but the base is in another state. Pennsylvania to be exact. So you would have to get there, break in, rest, and then come back. Or get there, rest, and then break in and come back. It's risky to keep all of you in a mission location for more than a few hours, especially if the Space Pirates have equipped the base with better defenses."

    There was silence, everyone was deep in thought.

    "I think we could handle it." Max chimes.

    Everyone turns their attention to him, almost stunned at his response.

    "Think about it, Zoe, Rex, and I have been able to defeat the Space Pirates with a little help in different time periods. With the combined force of all of us there's no way we can lose." Max preachs.

    I ponder it for a second, "Are all of you okay with that?"

    My friends nod in sync.

    "Well then, there's your answer. We'll start training more, and by two weeks from now, we'll be able to enter that base and get out with a data slug full of intel.

    "I'm glad we've come to an agreement then. We'll see you all at the next meeting." Dr. Ancient dismisses us and I head to the training room. For some special training.

    "Alright voice, it's just you and me now." I say through my thoughts, "Not even Majung's in this room."

    "What do you need?" It replies almost lazily.

    "I just want to know what or who you are?" I respond.

    "I thought I told you that already. I'm not telling you anything, so kindly give up and let me rest."

    "Why do you need to rest? You're a voice in my head." I ask in confusion.

    "No, I'm an entirely different entity that's, for now, sharing your body with yourself." The voice seems bored by me.

    "Then what's in it for you?"


    "Why do you need my body? If you're a separate entity, why don't you have a seperate body?"

    "Go train, child." It resigns and refuses to answer the rest of my questions.

Her New LifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora