Chapter 16: Why do I do this?

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Seth worked tirelessly throughout the night, only stopping for bathroom and coffee breaks. He didn't know how he would've survived without coffee.

"Seth, have you been up all night?" Dr. Ancient asks, concerned.

Seth yawns, rubbing his eyes, "Yes, but with great results. I've located another base that will give us enough intel on the stones."

Dr. Ancient raises an eyebrow, "Well, where is it? Can they defeat it?"

Seth nods, "Yes, but it'll be more difficult than the last and it has more risks for what might happen."

"Risks? What do you mean by that?"

"Before it was just a security system and some droids, however, this base is in another state. We'd have to have them drive there, break into the base, and then return, all without the Space Pirates knowing or seeing them." Seth explains.

Dr. Ancient nods, processing the information, "I'll speak with the others about it later." He starts leaving, and Seth continues to work, Dr. Ancient stops halfway through the door frame. "Thank you Seth."

I wake up later than I probably should have. My head was pounding as I rose from the bed. I got ready quickly, noticing that Majung was gone. I sigh to myself, since no one was around. I amble downstairs, Naomi is the first person I see.

"Did you sleep in?" She asks sarcastically.

"Ha ha, do you know where Majung is along with a nice breakfast?" I respond, rolling my eyes.

"Don't know where Majung is but I do know where a nice plate of crepes is." She hands me a plate of chocolate crepes.

"Thanks," I gobble down the crepes before I head down to the training room. Before I leave Noami says something.

"Why are you always training?"


"You heard me, why are you always training? Everytime I see you it's either at a meeting, training, or doing chores. You gotta give yourself a break." Naomi urges.

"I'll give myself a break once the Space Pirates are gone." I sigh leaving to the training room.

"Why do you do it?" I asked myself again..

I walked into the training room where I found Majung, standing there, waiting.

"What? Were you waiting for me?" I ask, throwing him a smile. He turns away from me and I sigh, "Why do I do this?"

The training session begins and Majung and I make quick work of the training bots. We stopped however when there was an announcement over the PA.

"Attention everyone, there will be a meeting at 4:30 PM. Be there, we will be discussing the next mission."

Author's note: AHHHHH!!! I forgot it was Tuesday yesterday so I didn't write it! It's here now and I will definitely be setting an alarm to help me remember to publish chapters on Tuesday.

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