Chapter 22: A Fight with Gabbro

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I look backwards, towards the voice and see Gabbro right behind us. I turn back around, I scream, "Run fast! He's right on our tail!"

"Who is?" Boba asks.

"One of the Space Pirates, now make a bolt for the cars!" I say pushing her forward. We make it outside and I call the other teams that we had separated from during our escape. "Get to the cars fast, Gabbro's chasing us!" We're nowhere near our cars and he's almost on top of us. We can't run, we have to fight. I stop running and slide my feet into a fighting position, readying my hands on my dinotector and dino bracer.

Tootsie turns around to see me, "What the hell are you doing?! Run!!"

"It's fine, I got this. You guys get to the cars. I'll be right behind you, I just need to get him off your tails." Majung's card materializes in my hand and I slash it on the dinotector, "Majungasaurus, we need your help!" Majung in his dino form manifests with a roar, he's red, black, and white stripe lining his body. He looks back at me for directions. "Get Gabbro away from Tootsie and Boba!" Majung charges towards Gabbro, whose eyes widen in surprise as he flies up to the sky to dodge.

He growls and presses a dinosaur card against the gem on his chest, "Gigas get rid of them!" A white T-Rex with tortoise shell pattern near its eye takes shape 20 feet away from Majung. It dons purple crystal spikes that form something similar to the claws in claw machines. It almost immediately charges at Majung, who just barely dodges it. Majung swings around and headbuts Gigas in the stomach. Gigas stumbles a tad but lunges at Majung, this time Majung isn't as quick to dodge and his neck gets caught in Gigas's mouth. Majung struggles to free himself.

"Use his hold on you to toss him towards the ground!" I advise Majung, he tosses his head towards the ground and Gigas let's go, tumbling towards the pavement. He easily gets up, barely panting. However, I can tell that Majung's already exhausted and barely hanging on. Just then a string of water slaps Gigas as he's making his next move, it's almost whip like.

"Good going, Trout!" Jelly pumps a fist in the air after Trout, her Ichyovenator, lands what I'm assuming is Aqua Whip.

I almost feel grateful until I remember that I told all of them to leave, "Hey! I told you guys to leave!"

"You really think we would miss this awesome battle?" Potato chimes from beside Cam whose in it's dino form.

"I'm more shocked that you would think that we'd leave you!'" HC chides, slashing her card on her dinotector.

I look around me and see that everyone is out here fighting with me, including Rod and Laura. They all have their dinosaurs in battle form. My heart floods with warmth, at the sight.

"Hey, Dark! It's your call!" Max yells, snapping me out of my heartfelt moment. Which is rude but well deserved seeing the situation.

"Right. Artstor! Get Halloween to use Gaia Mountain to block it in! After that Guava use Ninja Attack, Jelly use Aqua Javelin, and for a finishing touch Tootsie and Boba use a combined Gatling Spark!" I command.

"Nice try but let's see you do that when I use Spectral Lancer!" Gabbro's signature move is dissolved into his gem. Gigas's crystal spikes protrude more and he dashes towards Majung.

I panicked, scared for majung's safety, "Majung, get out of there!" Majung isn't able to get away and Gigas grabs him in his claws. Gigas shoves him into the bases' walls, Majung lets out a weak whimper and falls to the ground. "MAJUNG!" I scream, making a mad dash to him. I ignore everything in the world other than Majung. I don't hear the voice in my head trying to get me to stop and run towards the cars. I don't feel it as it tries to stop my body from its mission. I don't hear Gabbro's wings as he starts to descend towards me, trying to grab me. I don't hear HC telling Ally to have Sans protect me from Gigas and Gabbro. I don't hear the others use their moves to immobilize and defeat Gabbro and Gigas. I don't even hear his retreat and threat.

When I reach Majung, I stroke his snout, "Are you okay? Hold on, I'll get you back into your card and you'll get better, I promise."

Author's note: I'm changing Artsy's name to Artstor.

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