Chapter 49: A Silent Promise

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"Hello? You there? Dude, you can just say one cryptic phrase and then leave! Not after everything that just happened." I plead with the Black Cosmo Stone to answer because at this point I was desperate. It felt like we were connected on all levels yet it was still able to avoid me, a trick I hadn't figured out. I swung my legs anxiously while laying on my bed.

"Dark, is everything alright?" Majung's concerned voice echoed.

"Oh..." I paused for a while debating between telling him the truth or a lie, "Listen, Majung. I'm going to try and be more truthful with you from now on. I think I owe you that, after everything I mean. Besides, you're like my closest friend. So, during Ancient's speech about leaving to misplace the cosmo stones, I heard the Black Cosmo Stone. I haven't heard it since the incident but when it spoke this time. All it said was that I should go, nothing more, just that I should go. But I have questions, that it seems like it just won't ever answer."

Majung seemed to make a small humming noise, "Perhaps, it's like you in that way."

"I'm sorry what?" I had an incredulous look on my face.

"I mean that you both went through a traumatic experience so perhaps that's why the stone isn't willing to answer any questions. You do somewhat the same thing when anyone asks you about the incident."

Scratching my neck awkwardly, I nod. He was right after all, in fact he was right about a lot of things. "What do you think?"

I caught Majung off guard with that question, 'Sorry?"

"Should I go? Obviously we'd go together, I'm not leaving you."

Something about that last sentence seemed to bother him, as he winced, "Please stop saying that you're not leaving me. It's not true because I left you, I let you get captured. You went through everything with them because of me."

"Majung," I say softly putting my hand on him from where he was curled up next to me. "You couldn't have done anything to save me. I was so blindly in love and so headstrong and reckless that I didn't see a trap when it was right in front of my face. You tried constantly to warn me, so many people did, but I was too stubborn to listen. And while my situation wasn't ideal, you are not to blame for it."

"Dark, that's- I was horrible to you. When we first met I attacked you and then the last time I saw you for months was when you were beaten and bruised. I couldn't help but think that if I was open to you and thought of you as my friend from the beginning that you wouldn't have sought out Sheer."

I sighed heavily, "The guilt will kill us Majung, slowly but surely. We may never get rid of it but we need to deal with it. So, I'll tell you this. It was not your fault and we both made plenty of mistakes in our relationship with each other. From now on, let's vow to do better for each other."

It was a silent agreement to make progress, to be better friends. 

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