50: Izuku Midoriya - Saviour

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Note: And for the last oneshot of this book, have the longest ones I've ever written (approx 4800 words...sorry...)

Quirk: Hydrokinesis - healing abilities

 "Are you excited to be spending a week with UA's first years?" I asked my younger brother, Kota. We were waiting outside of our base at the bottom of the mountain with Pixie Bob, Mandalay and the first year's teacher, Mr Aizawa.

"No," he muttered simply and I sighed. Ever since our parents passed away he seemed to have a hatred towards heroes, which I didn't understand. He was clearly not looking forward to having to spend a week with students training to become the thing he hated. It had been hard on me since mum and dad were killed, as trying to look after Kota was no easy task. Thankfully I had Mandalay, and she insisted that I put most of the weight on her, as she wanted to look after the both of us.

We heard movement and saw through the trees the twenty students from 1-A approaching, all looking a little worse for wear probably due to the intense dirt monsters Pixie Bob had created for them to fight along the way. As the three heroes spoke to the students I looked down at my angry little brother who was scowling at the class.

"Oh these two? They're my cousins children," Mandalay said and I looked up as soon as I realised they were talking about Kota and me. "Go on, introduce yourselves!"

"I'm (y/n) Izumi and this is my younger brother Kota," I introduced the pair of us, knowing Kota probably wouldn't speak. A boy with messy green hair and big eyes approached the two of us with a kind smile, holding out his hand towards Kota.

"Hi Kota, I'm Midoriya, it's nice to meet you," he said politely. Kota stood staring at him for a moment before punching him right where the sun didn't shine. I gasped as Midoriya keeled over in pain, one of his classmates attending to him immediately. Kota walked back inside and I followed him, telling him off.

"Kota! Listen to me-,"

"No! You're not mum, you're not dad! Leave me alone, just like they did, I can take care of myself!"

"Kota... you're my brother, I'm not leaving you alone, I-," and with that he slammed the door in my face. I sighed once more, today going just like any other day had gone.

- Timeskip -

That evening was the only evening where the students would be pampered. They didn't know it yet, but this week was going to be filled with intense training for them so once we had finished cooking them dinner we prepared the hot springs for them, Mandalay appointing Kota to be lookout between the split genders baths.

I stayed with Mandalay in the office, her comforting me as she knew I was finding life without my parents incredibly hard. I grabbed a few tissues from one of the desks and dried my eyes when there was suddenly a knock at the door. Both Mandalay and I turned, her then opening the door to see the boy from earlier, Midoriya, with a feinted Kota in his arms. Immediately I ran up to him, taking my brother from him and laying him down on the sofa in the room. "Kota? Kota, are you okay?"

"He fell from the top of the wooden wall between the hot springs, I managed to catch him before he hit the floor though. I think he feinted from the shock," Midoriya said and I sighed, taking Kota's hat from his head and brushing my fingers through his hair. Mandalay left to fetch the first aid kit just in case. I then became aware of Midoriya's attire, him still only having the towel wrapped around his waist, his legs and torso on show. I couldn't help but blush as I tried to keep my cool, and trying to ignore the fact that the boy standing before me was incredibly attractive.

"U-um... he doesn't like heroes very much, does he?" Midoriya asked nervously and I sighed, shaking my head. "I admit that's weird to me, almost everyone I know wants to be one. It's... my dream... so it's just wild to think that a kid his age is against heroes, hates them even."

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