26: Mirio Togata - His Hero

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Note: (y/n)'s quirk in this oneshot means she can heal internal injuries with water. She can manipulate the water thereby wrapping it like gloves around her hands, before massaging it against the skin of the patient, slowly healing the injury under the skin. Think Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Quirk: Hydrokinesis (healing hands)

 I clocked in as usual in Musutafu General Hospital, me being a nurse there. It could be quite a taxing job, each day being different and not knowing what you'll have to deal with, but today was particularly stressful. We received a call from the ambulance saying that the third best hero, Lemillion, was badly injured whilst stopping a villain going on a rampage. According to our briefing he had intense wounds that needed many stitches, he had too many broken bones and from the looks of things he was going to need surgery.

My quirk was hydrokinesis, but I had the special ability of being able to use water to heal others. It worked on injuries under the skin such as bruises and broken bones, so it was a perfect quirk to have as a nurse. I couldn't do anything about closing wounds though, but I could ease the pain for the sufferer.

When the doors swung open, Lemillion was laid on a stretcher with an oxygen mask over his face, seemingly drifting in and out of consciousness. He had blood dripping from his head, his hero suit was torn revealing large gashes in his arms and legs, there being a particularly large injury to his abdomen. Immediately he was rushed to the intensive care unit, where they had to perform quickly in order to keep him alive. I wouldn't be able to do my job until I was given the all clear from the doctors.

I waited outside of room, waiting for my assistance to be requested. I paced back and forth, thinking about my favourite hero in such a critical position. "(l/n)! (l/n), we need you!" The doctor called from inside the operation room and immediately I ran in. "Quick, numb the pain there, he could pass out from the pain!"

I did as I was told, pulling the water from the bottle I had strapped to my hip and covering my hands in it before pressing them around the wounded area, careful not to get in the way of the doctors performing their work. Lemillion cried out in pain and I winced as blood began to seep into the water around my hands, but thankfully his shouts of pain lowered to just small hisses hinting at the fact that my quirk was doing its job. The doctors carried on their work, it taking a couple of intense hours in which I had to concentrate all of my energy on keeping Lemillion's pain to a minimum. Once the doctors had finished it was my turn to fix the many broken bones inside of him, something which took a while so we wheeled him to a private room before we began.

I was capable of doing this job without further assistance so the doctors and other nurses left me to it, me being alone in a room with my favourite pro hero who was currently knocked out thanks to some of the drugs we had to give him. I used fresh water that wasn't mixed with blood to heal his ribs, me desperately trying to concentrate on the job I was doing rather than his rippling abs. I could feel his strong muscles through the water as well, and I had to look away in fear of being too distracted from my job.

Due to the intensity of the broken ribs it took a while but they were finally at the healing stage. They wouldn't be back to normal straight away; I'd have to perform this treatment on him a fair few times before he could be properly discharged and judging by the severity of his wounds it looked as though he'd need them re-dressing before tonight.

When I had done all I could to his ribs I moved onto his fractured shoulder and broken right arm. He stirred in his sleep slightly, and I hoped that if he did wake up then he'd be his usual cheery self like he was on the news and during interviews. I was too deep in thought to notice that he had opened his eyes, that was until his croaky voice sounded. "Hey," was all he said and I shot my head up to see he's brilliant blue eyes were open, even if it was just a little bit.

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