27: Denki Kaminari - Friends With Benefits (Lemon)

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Warning! There's sexual content approaching in this oneshot! 

Quirk: Telekinesis

 Kaminari and I had been friends with benefits since a few months into our time at UA. We had constantly been flirting with one another, always catching each others eyes playfully. During a game of seven minutes in heaven the majority of the class was playing after we had moved into the dorms, Kaminari and I had to go into the closet together where without saying a word to each other, we slammed our lips together and made out for almost the entirety of our time. Once we pulled apart, I brought up the suggestion of being friends with benefits which he happily agreed to.

Since then we hadn't gone as far as sex, but had done almost everything else. We were in each others rooms almost every night, playing with each other, exploring each others bodies. It felt so unbelievably good, and it wasn't long before he knew all of my weak spots and how to make me moan his name loudly. I too managed to satisfy him very well, as every night we were together I'd always make him release at least twice.

Annoyingly however, I had recently began to develop actual feelings for the electric boy. I couldn't help it, I loved his goofiness, his personality, the way he could always cheer me up and I found him borderline irresistible, especially after everything we had done together. We had however agreed that we'd just keep our relationship a friends with benefits situation, but I was desperate for more.

It was evening once again and I knocked on his dorm room door. He answered wearing the smirk I loved, me blushing a little against my will. "Evening," he said simply, leaning against the door frame.

"Good evening," I whispered, walking straight past him into his room. Without breaking eye contact with me he closed his bedroom door, slowly making his way towards me until our faces were inches apart. Suddenly, and with a lot of pressure, he took my wrists and pinned me against the wall, encasing me in his arms. I smirked as he roughly kissed my neck, and I palmed his erection through his trousers. He pulled my leg up and wrapped it around his waist, pushing me harder against the wall so there was no room for escape - not that I was complaining.

"D-Denki, mm," I mumbled, loving the feeling of his tongue tracing along my neck. He was sucking on it ruthlessly, bound to leave marks but I didn't care. My feelings for the boy were sky high at this point, and any excuse to be close to him I would happily take. He pushed his erection into my pants that were now being presented under my skirt he had lifted up, making me wetter and wetter. "D-Denki, please!" I gasped. He pulled away from my neck and looked me in my (e/c) eyes, his yellow ones piercing through me. I could get addicted to them.

"Someone's impatient today," he smirked devilishly making my heart beat faster.

"You make me like this," I whispered timidly but apparently that's all he wanted to hear. He took my other leg up, me wrapping them tightly around his waist as he held onto my bum for support, and carried me over to his bed. He dropped me on the soft sheets and immediately clambered back over me, starting to undo the buttons on my school shirt. With each opened button he'd kiss the new patch of skin that was on show, lingering at my breasts that were still covered by my bra. He slowly traced his finger up my leg, edging it towards my already soaked womanhood. "Stop teasing!"

"It's fun seeing you squirm like this though," he smirked, lifting his head to look me in the eye.

"Oh really?" I raised one eyebrow before acting fast whilst his defences were down. I flipped him over quickly, stripped off my top and went straight to his member, tugging at his trousers. I managed to pull them off quickly, and he was still looking at me in surprise. I kissed his erection through his boxers, noticing him wince a few times at his sensitivity. I pulled down his boxers with my teeth, passing them to my hands which ripped them off of his legs. I ran my tongue up the underside of his member as he got himself comfy, ready to watch the show.

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