30: Eijirou Kirishima - Her Old Crush

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I'm quite proud of this oneshot, at first I wasn't sure the idea was strong enough but the more time I spent writing it, the more I liked it, so I hope you enjoy too! It also may have ended up being longer then I expected...

Quirk: Plant Growth

 I was a quiet girl, keeping mostly to myself, attending Mustafa Private Middle School. I got on with guys more then I did girls, my three closest friends being Ryunosuke Kataoka, Aki Mimura and Eijirou Kirishima... or in other words, my crush. He was the cutest boy I had ever seen, and he had such a kind heart. He was always so polite and he stuck up for anyone who needed help, even if it meant him getting hurt.

Today was one of those days - Kataoka, Mimura and I were behind a bush in the garden of the school eating lunch after Kirishima had ran off to god knows where. We heard a few people talking nearby, but my mind was occupied by my black-haired red-eyed crush. Suddenly I heard his voice, which made me jump out of my skin, the other boys snickering.

"What's up? You bullying a kid for some chump change? That's not very manly, jerks!" Kirishima shouted. I peered through the bush to see the situation: Kirishima was standing with his arms folded whilst two other boys were towering over a quivering third. I blushed, seeing Kirishima's confident need to protect everyone, after all, I knew he wanted to be a Pro Hero.

"Who's that?" One of the bullies scoffed.

"Third year, Kirishima," the other said. Kirishima then started running up to the bullies, his quirk activated on his arms. I knew he wanted to protect people, but I also didn't want him to get into trouble. I was just about to jump over the foliage to stop him when I saw a large rock suddenly being thrown at him from the second bully.

Kirishima hunched over in pain whilst the two bullies snickered at him, then pulling their victim along with them. "Get back here!" Kirishima yelled after them.

"Forget about it, Kirishima," Kataoka stood up from behind the bush. Both Mimura and I jumped out also, and I approached my crush wanting to make sure he wasn't too hurt.

"You were watching?" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Why are you always sticking your neck out like that, man?" Mimura asked.

"It doesn't matter what your quirk is as long as you have an honourable heart!" Kirishima exclaimed and I smiled at his motivational way of thinking. "That's what the chivalrous hero Crimson Riot believes!"

"Here," I said, taking a closer look at his nose which seemed to get the most damage. "It looks like it might form a bruise but aside from that you should be okay," I smiled at him. He beamed at me in return making my heart flutter. I had really fallen hard for this boy.

"Thanks (l/n)!" He said happily.

"You can call me (y/n) y'know," I mumbled timidly but he didn't seem to hear what I had said.

"It's like the pros say, your body moves before you have a chance to think, so in that case..." he started running towards the bullies who were still walking away, but stopped abruptly as a familiar pink skinned girl with small horns appeared and apparently started shouting at them. "Who's... who's that?"

"It's Mina Ashido, from class four," I told him as the three of us caught up to him. "I hear she's applying to UA. Her quirk's strong, she's got a flashy look... people like her," I added, quite envious of the girl.

"Yeah, she's definitely hero material," Mimura said. Kirishima looked to be deep in thought, but class was about to start so I suggested we headed back to the classroom. "Speaking of high schools, I'm kinda thinking I might go for UA too!"

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