18: Shota Aizawa - The Ruggedly Handsome Boy (Lemon)

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Warning! This is young Aizawa back when he was in UA, and yes as it's a lemon there will be sexual content so be prepared. This one also ended up being a little longer then I intended, it just all kinda came flowing out as I started to write.

Quirk: Cat

- Aizawa's POV -

Despite wanting to, I couldn't stop glancing over to the cat quirked girl whilst in the cafeteria having lunch. Yamada was sat opposite me, yapping away like always, apparently oblivious to the fact I was completely ignoring him. I don't know how it'd happened, I had never been like this before but (y/n) (l/n) had really begun to get under my skin. The way she smiled, the way she got excited over the smallest of things, her generosity and kindness as well as the way she moved her tail when she was happy all began to build up these unwanted feelings inside of me. Whenever she flicked her tail or twitched her ears made me smile slightly, but that smile was always quickly wiped from my face when her boyfriend came into the picture.

Asano from class 2-B had been with her for a few months now, and I hated seeing them together. His attitude was completely different to (y/n)'s; he was boisterous, prideful and quite impolite. The thing that irritated me the most was that (y/n) appeared to be quite smitten by him. She'd talk about him to her friends in class, and they'd 'ooo' and 'aww' over how she spoke of him. Seeing them two together sparked a feeling inside of me that I had rarely felt: jealously.

Earlier today I overheard (y/n) talking to her friends about how she was planning a meal in a super fancy restaurant for Valentines Day in order to treat Asano. He definitely didn't deserve that or her, and it's fair to say it angered me a little, putting me in this unhappy mood.

"Look dude you've been miserable all day, what the hell is wrong with you?" Yamada suddenly asked, snapping me out of my gaze.

"Huh?" I mumbled back, but Yamada followed my eyes to where I was previously looking, seeing both (y/n) and Asano together.

"Oh, I see, you're jealous aren't you man?" He teased but I simply rolled my eyes and went back to my food. "You wanna be in Asano's place, I can so totally tell."

"Shut up you idiot," I growled, playing with my food but he simply laughed.

"You're so much better then that dude, I don't even know why she's with him, you guys would go well together," he said.

"Just drop it, okay?" I sighed and he held his hands up defensively.

"Whatever man."

- Timeskip -               - (y/n)'s POV -

It was soon approaching the date I had specially arranged for Asano and I to go on and I couldn't be more excited. Celebrating my first Valentines Day with a boyfriend, it felt so exciting! Our date was actually on Valentines Day, which was only tomorrow, but my friends and I had spent ages trying to sort out an outfit suitable enough for me to wear to the restaurant.

Unable to stop thinking about the date, I skipped happily down the empty hallway as I needed to see our Modern Hero Art History teacher about the recent homework. As I walked down the halls I suddenly heard some slight moaning coming from a classroom with a slightly ajar door. I stopped walking and stared at it, slightly curious, but suddenly I heard my boyfriends name. "Mm, Asano," a girls voice mumbled.

My eyes widened and I crept towards the classroom, peering through the slight gap between the door and the frame. What I saw made my heart stop beating and my stomach drop to the floor. There was my boyfriend, pinning another girl to the wall, his head buried in her neck as his hands felt her body. "A-Asano!" She moaned again.

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