5: Shoto Todoroki - The Party

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This oneshot is one I have written that also appears in my book MHA Shoto Todoroki X Reader Oneshots, which I'd love for you all to check out if you haven't already!

Quirk: Bunny

 Every summer Momo hosted these grand parties at her ridiculously large house. Her parents even let her have the house to herself whenever she was hosting, but as they were wealthy they were able to hire bouncers to be on the door so no one unexpected got in. Momo had invited all of the girls over to get ready at hers, and had given each of us our own bedrooms that she called 'simple guest rooms', apologising for how mediocre they looked but to me they looked insane. King sized beds with drapes hanging over it, windows from the ceiling to the floor with intricately decorated curtains and an ensuite with an incredibly large bath tub in it - this was going to be one hell of a party.

We had all gotten changed into our dresses and put our makeup on with the help of a makeup artist Momo had hired, who spent a particularly long time trying to get Toru's makeup right. Once ready, we all headed downstairs knowing we had an hour until our guests arrived. We headed down the grand stairs that led immediately into the open-plan kitchen, which had a beautiful marble island in the middle of it and a room through an archway dedicated to the families alcohol. Under the archway was a bar, which made it seem as though this house was begging for a party. "The barman should be arriving soon," Momo said, checking her watch.

"It's okay, I reckon a lot of people won't show up until at least 21:30," I said, considering the party started at 21:00 and was expected to go on until quite late.

"There's still so much we need to sort! Is the garden ready? What about all the food, and the drinks, we need to prepare it all! What about decorations? And the music!" She exclaimed, slightly panicked.

"Don't worry Momo!" Mina said happily. "Toru and I will make sure the garden is all sorted, Ochaco and Kyoka can set up the food, (y/n) and Tsu can sort out the bar whilst you call the barman and bouncers and overlook us doing everything? How does that sound?"

"Perfect, thank you," Momo sighed with relief, as we all set to work. Momo gave us the task of moving out all of the age old wines away from the bar towards her fathers study, which we completed pretty fast seeing as Tsu and I both had quirks that enhanced our jumps. Momo immediately began calling those she had hired for the evening, and we could smell all of the delicious food Ochaco and Kyoka were spreading about on the island. My nose twitched as the smell of carrots hit them, and I perked up staring over at Ochaco who was holding a plate of them, looking over at me expectantly.

The barman finally arrived along with the two bouncers and DJ, and they each took up their positioning for the party to begin. In twos and threes people started to arrive, a big crowd gathering in the kitchen as people were getting drinks and eating snacks. Immediately I went for the carrot sticks, taking a handful and munching on them happily. As people were drinking more and more the party began to get started, and people began dancing to their hearts content. I too was among them, dancing with Kirishima and Kaminari, singing the songs at the top of our lungs out in the garden where the dance floor was. It was then, out the corner of my eye I spotted someone I didn't expect to see.

- Todoroki's POV -

Slowly I weaved my way through all the drunken people, knowing this really was not my scene. I just wanted to see her, and that was it. Hopefully I could spend an hour here with my crush, and then head back home. I stepped out into the garden where most of the activity was happening, and saw her in the middle of the dance floor, singing and dancing happily, wearing her light blue laced dress which hugged her body tightly, falling to just above her knees. I clenched my fists a little seeing how close Kirishima was to her, and how they were both laughing together.

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