12: Shoto Todoroki - Licence Exam

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Warning! Prepare for a long one...

Quirk: Carbon Armour

 Nerves were filling my body as our coach pulled up to the exam building. Seeing all the other students exiting their coaches and heading towards the building made my stomach fill with butterflies, and unknowingly I began to shake.

"You okay?" Shoto asked, sitting on the seat next to me.

"Just a little nervous," I said, trying to laugh it off.

"There's no need for you to be. You have an awesome quirk, (y/n)," he said, smiling ever so slightly. I blushed at his sweet compliment, happy that my boyfriend had faith in me. The coach soon pulled in and he held my hand as we stepped out of the bus, us seeing all the students clearly wandering around with their teachers, talking excitedly. A fair few people in our class seemed to be getting nervous, me included, but a fair few of them also seemed quite confident, including Shoto.

"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you'll be semi-pros. I expect your best," Mr Aizawa said simply.

"Let's call out the usual you guys, on my mark... go plus-," Kirishima started but he was loudly interrupted by another student.

"ULTRA!" He screamed brightly. Suddenly I felt Shoto's grip on my hand tighten, and I looked up at him to find him staring at this random student, an uncertain look in his eyes. A group of students wearing the same uniform as the boy walked over, and I recognised them as uniform from Shiketsu High, the Pro Hero school that rivals UA. The student seemed a little over-enthusiastic, his friends behind him seemed mysteriously quiet.

"Shoto, are you okay?" I whispered, gesturing the tight grip on my hand.

"Hm? Oh... yeah, I'm fine," he said, wearing his stoic expression. I didn't believe him, but I decided not to press him on it just yet.

"Inasa Yoarashi," Mr Aizawa muttered. "He's strong. He's the same year as you are, and received the top scores against students admitted through recommendations but for some unknown reason he turned down his acceptance to UA, and went to Shiketsu."

I gulped and glanced up at Shoto, who despite wearing a straight face, seemed bothered. If this guy had received the highest mark against recommended students, then... was he better then Shoto? 'No, that's impossible,' I thought. But now not only was I worried about the actual exam, I was now worried about Shoto, and what happened between him and this Yoarashi perso.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and immediately I remembered I needed to text my mum to tell her we'd arrived safely. I let go of Shoto's hand and unlocked my phone, smiling at the good luck message she had sent me. I replied as quickly as possible and slipped my phone back into my skirt pocket, but as soon as I did someone standing in front of me had grabbed my hands and was holding them tightly. "Hi, I'm Yo Shindo, I saw you fight at the Sports Festival and can I just say I think your quirk is amazing! I was hoping to meet you, you're even cuter in person!" He said brightly, and my eyes widened, unsure on how to react. Awkwardly I laughed, pulling my hands away as I felt an arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer to the familiar cool body I was used to cuddling. I heard Shoto scoff at the random boy, glaring at him.

Then a blond-haired girl ran up to the pair of us, her eyes only on Shoto. "Hey, Todoroki! Can I have your autograph? You were so cool at the Sports Festival!" She squealed in a sickly sweet voice.

"Er...," was all Shoto could say. It was my turn to scoff as I clung onto my boyfriend protectively. Thankfully Mr Aizawa interrupted, ordering us to get our suits and head to orientation, so we did as we were told and walked briskly away from the guy and girl. We went our separate ways to the boys changing rooms and the girls, and I changed quickly into my hero costume which consisted of a simple all in one black suit with a red vein like pattern on it, accessorised with a black eye mask. Together, us seven UA girls headed out of the changing rooms and met back up with the guys who were all in one big group surrounded by an immense crowd all looking up to the stage where a tired man stood.

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