20: Shoto Todoroki - Valentines Day (Lemon)

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Warning! This is a lemon with our favourite (or my favourite) boy. So be prepapred for sexual content! It is Valentines Day after all...

Quirk: Hydrokinesis

 We had gotten together the summer previous, and so this would be our first Valentines day together. Admittedly I was quite nervous, but only because Mina and Toru had put sexual ideas in my head as to things I could do with him in the evening, despite me trying to get them to be quiet. I had spent all week trying to perfect chocolate as my kitchen skills were not the best, and finally I had made a batch that looked and tasted alright. My mother and I spent the evening decorating them and placing them into a homemade box as I was talented in crafts.

The next day was Valentines day so immediately I tried to track down my boyfriend and found him in the shoe locker room. I looked on as he opened his and I witnessed several boxes of chocolates tumble out, some of them quite big and putting mine to shame. I immediately felt embarrassed, hiding mine behind my back awkwardly and feeling the stare of onlooking girls behind me, whispering between them and snickering. He was my boyfriend though, I shouldn't need to feel embarrassed, and they shouldn't be snickering at me. Desperate to show them up I walked confidently to my boyfriend, grabbed him by the tie and pulling him in for a deep and passionate kiss. His eyes were wide with surprise but he soon fluttered them closed and returned the kiss just as passionate, his hands on my waist. Usually he wasn't that big on PDA, but I liked to think he just couldn't resist such a passionate kiss. The girls behind me stopped snickering and I would've loved to of seen the look on their faces, but I was preoccupied. I opened my mouth slightly, him doing the same, our tongues meeting. Gently I ran my hand through his soft hair, pulling him in deeper, him tightening the grip on my waist pulling my body closer.

Annoyingly we had to part for breath, but there was a string of saliva connecting our mouths. "W-wow... that was - unexpected," he whispered, his eyes wide as he wiped his mouth. I smirked up at him, then glanced at the girls who were giving me death stares but I couldn't care less.

"Happy Valentines day," I said sweetly, pulling the chocolates from behind my back and handing them to him.

"Thank you," he smiled, opening them up. "Did you make these?"

"Y-yeah, sorry if they're not great," I said awkwardly. He popped one in his mouth and his eyes lit up. Immediately he complimented me on them, telling me I'd have to make more which made me smile brightly. "Shall we head to class?" I suggested but he quickly grabbed my shoulders, preventing me from going anywhere.

"Wait, can you just... stand there... for a moment," he said with a bright blush on his face, holding me in front of him. He bit his lip and looked up, apparently concentrating hard on something when it suddenly clicked. I looked down and did indeed see a slight tent in his trousers. I tried not to giggle, knowing the kiss had turned him on so much that he got a slight erection. After a moment of him apparently trying to think of anything else, he looked back down at me awkwardly. I raised my eyebrows and he just blushed, but I was happy that I had this kind of effect on him. What made me even happier was that he put his arm around my shoulder and walked away from his locker after closing it, ignoring the piles of chocolate boxes that had fallen to the floor. When we passed the girls they all sent me death glares but I couldn't care less, he was mine and he always told me how much he loved and appreciated me, words I'd treasure.

"So I thought maybe tonight we could go and do something to celebrate?" He suggested as we entered the class. I smirked at the word 'do', as Mina had put those ideas in my head, as well as what had just happened in the locker room. Speaking of the pink girl she looked straight at us as we entered the classroom, smirking devilishly which didn't help my blush.

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