42: Shota Aizawa - Old School Friends Part Two (Lemon)

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Warning! Part two of two, this one being a lemon!

Quirk: Hydrokinesis

 The meal crept up on me quicker than I would've liked. It was a Saturday and I found myself standing in front of my wardrobe, unsure on what to wear. I was slightly scared about how this date would go, and even if it was appropriate given the fact we were colleagues.

Still I decided to go, plus it'd be too last minute to cancel now. I changed quickly into a simple yet nice dress and headed over to the restaurant where we had agreed to meet. Nerves were running through my body as I approached, and I was definitely shocked when I saw him. He stood so casually, dressed in a smart shirt topped with a jacket, he had his hair tied back and he'd even shaved. I found my eyes lingering him a fraction longer than they should, and that was when he noticed me.

I quickly snapped from my daze and crossed the street towards him, waving timidly. I was unsure how to act around him after the rocky relationship we currently shared. We went to UA at the same time, he knew me back then and had a crush on me yet I didn't know of him, not only that but since we've started working together it seems as though his feelings for me have been re-awoken. Nezu had put me under his wing as I trained to be a teacher, and I had managed to irritate him on more than one occasion, one of which cause us not to speak for an entire week.

Internally I wondered what I was doing, knowing that realistically this was probably not a good idea, but I still found myself quite flustered by his handsome appearance. "Hey," he said in a deep tone.

"Hi," I said simply. Together we made our way into the restaurant, it not being anything too fancy but nice enough for a date. Aizawa didn't really strike me as the type that would be interested in doing fancy things, he seemed like the kind of guy who would be happy just sitting in front of the tv with a blanket and some popcorn whilst watching a good film.

The waitress gave us the menus and took the drinks order, and when she left us alone there was a slight awkward silence to begin with. Neither of us knew what to say it seemed, and I was desperate for him to be the one to initiate conversation, after all it was he who asked me on this date. "So I just wanna get this out the way," he said suddenly, this statement confusing me slightly, wondering whether he meant the date in general. "I'm sorry about the past week, I shouldn't of shouted at you about those documents. I don't know how much of the conversation I had with Mic you overheard, but it was my fault, the papers were on my desk at Heights Alliance the whole time. I'd forgotten to bring them in, so the mix-up of the schedule was my fault, not yours. I should've told you sooner but by the way it seemed it looked as though you didn't want anything to do with me. I was a little worried I had pushed you to the point of wanting to resign."

"Aizawa, thank you for apologising. It's okay, I can't even begin to imagine how stressful organising work studies can get. Plus if its any consolation, it'd take me a lot more than that to make me want to resign. I've wanted to be a teacher for a while now, but thought that perhaps getting money through hero work would be a good way of securing a decent life," I said, nodding in assurance. The smile of relief that appeared on his face made my heart flutter a little, me only just realising how handsome he looked now that his hair was pulled away from his face.

"So what made you want to become a teacher?" Aizawa began conversation after the waiter brought our drinks over.

"Well my nephew, he's five, wants to be a hero and has always begged me to teach him what it's like. I'm not that big of a hero but I guess I'm the only one he knows. When I started teaching him what I knew I saw him grow and get stronger, and it warmed my heart. I realised that I loved teaching, and the idea of teaching people how to become good heroes intrigued me, so principle Nezu offered me a job," I told him and he listened politely, hanging onto every word. From that point conversation between the two of us never ceased. All the awkwardness over the past week seemed to vanish, being replaced with easiness.

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