1: Eijirou Kirishima - Movie Night

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Quirk: Carbon Armour

 Laying on my bed in my UA hoodie and a pair of lacy panties, I flipped through my latest fashion magazine as I had finished all of my work for the day and I had earned a rest. My sister had even managed to sneak me in some alcohol when she came to visit the dorm rooms, so I had a can of cider on my bedside table. I liked evenings like this to myself, just to relax which is something I could rarely do as a student of UA High School. Just as I was considering about going to bed there was a soft knock on the door, causing me to snap my head up towards the door.

Slowly I walked up to it and peered through the eyehole in the door, smiling when I saw who was standing outside. I opened the door and smiled at the red head who stood there with a light blush on his cheeks, which only grew as he looked down to realise I was just wearing my panties. "(y-y/n), you're... um..."

"Aw, c'mon Kiri, as if you've never seen a girl in her underwear before?" I laughed as he flushed deeper, looking away from me awkwardly and covering his mouth with his hand.

"I-I haven't... actually..." Kiri mumbled.

"Oh... well here's your first glance!" I said cheekily, before turning and heading to my bed to fish out my pyjama shorts from behind my pillow, and slipped into them, Kiri looking anywhere but at me which made me chuckle. "So what's up?" I asked as he politely stayed at the door. "And feel free to come in," I laughed, beckoning him in. He did as he was told, and I could tell he was still blushing even in the low-light my lamp was radiating.

"Well, I wondered if maybe you'd like to come and watch a film... with me... in my room," he mumbled quietly making me smile. "I-I asked other people but no-one else was interested!" He blurted out suddenly.

"Aw, I wasn't your first choice?" I whined playfully.

"I - er-,"

"I'd love to. What film?"

"I have a horror film set up if you're interested?" He said, looking at me for the first time since he knocked, his red eyes looking directly into my (e/c) ones.

"Eh, I'm not really good with horror, it's... scary," I laughed, awkwardly rubbing the back of my head.

"Of course it's scary, that's why it's horror!" He laughed and I felt a little stupid inside. "I'll protect you," he added quietly which made my cheeks tint pink.

"Okay, fancy a nightcap?" I asked, gesturing my drinks and he nodded. I picked up a few cans and handed them to him, as we both headed out of my room. I locked the door and we walked side by side towards his, the dormitory corridors empty as it was late in the evening and everyone had gone to bed. We reached his door and he opened it for me, letting me in first being the manly gentleman he was. His room was dimly lit by a lamp in the corner, but I could see artwork plastered to the walls above a desk and a busy shelf which had books and action figures on it. His drawn curtains were big and red with a flame print upon them, and in front of them was a large and quite worn punch bag which was also red. On his bed there were red camouflage patterned prints as well as many many different shades of red cushions and pillows. On the side of the bed that leant up against the wall, I noticed the cushions had been arranged to create a small cosy snuggle space, with an added red blanket. Next to it lied the laptop, so I figured that's where we'd be sitting, all cuddled up.

"I love your room Kiri, and your bed looks very cosy," I said, jumping on his bed as he placed down the ciders on the bedside table. "So soft," I smiled, nuzzling into the blanket.

"Glad you like it," he smiled sweetly. He sat down beside me, leaning up against the wall but I furrowed my eyebrows at how far away he was sitting. He pressed play on the film and it started but I was too busy thinking about him.

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