Thirty Three

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Jughead was finally ready to talk to his dad. He entered the dining room to the sight of his dad devour an entire packet of beef jerky. it was a very weird sight to see but he decided to ignore that and sat down opposite his dad. 

He started," I have something to tell you dad..." FP furrowed his brows at Jughead's worried tome and motioned for him to continue. 

" I um got the Head Editor post back at New York. I have to let them know if I am gonna take it by tomorrow."

" Jug...I don't know what to it something you want?"

" Yeah, it has been my dream job ever since I joined there. I don't know what to are here and Betty is here and I don't know if I can stay with mom ever again."

" Have you talked to Betty about this?"

" I told her about it but we haven't had a big discussion on it. She almost froze to death the last time we had a fight...I don't want her to go through all that again."

FP was extremely confused to why Betty was freezing but decided to stay on topic. He then said," Ok so then talk to her properly and don't snap at her."

" I actually want to hear your take on this....", Jughead trailed off.

" My opinion...well I'll tell you this Jug. Follow your heart. i know it's a cliched line from books but that's what you have to do. If you feel like staying here with Betty, with me then stay. If you have worked too hard for the job and it's means everything to you then go to New York."

" That position meant everything to me but now I love Betty and I don't want to lose her."

" Boi you answered your own question. Your job meant everything to know it isn't the same anymore. Betty means more to you than your job. I think you know what to do."

Jughead hugged his dad tightly and it was the best feeling ever. He wasn't confused anymore and he knew what he wanted. He went to Betty's house and knocked on the door. Alice opened the door and let him in. She had just heard about everything that happened and made sure to let Jughead know.

She said," Jughead, I like you kid and if you are planing on breaking Betty's heart, do it softly. I know she will be heard but I won't make you give up your dream for her, how much ever I love her."

Jughead smiled big at her concern and said," Don't worry Miss Cooper. Things will go well."

Saying that he went upstairs while Alice looks at him go with a smile. He truly was the one for Betty. She went back to her work just as Jughead reached Betty's door. Archie saw Jughead pass his door and sat closer to the door to listen to them if he could. Jughead slowly knocked and Betty answered after a few seconds. She was stunned to see Jughead and Jughead saw her shocked eyes and rose red nose signifying she had been crying a few minutes ago. It made him sad but he knew that she would smile bigger than ever after he told her his decision. Betty let him in and he went to the bed and sat next to an open diary. Betty quickly shut it and Jughead felt that they were back to stage one of their relationship. 

They looked at each other for a while and then said in unison," I need to tell you something."

They smiled a little at that and then Jughead said," You go first."

Betty inhaled sharply and then said," You should take the job and go back to New york."

Jughead's face dropped as he exclaimed in a whisper," What!"

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