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Veronica was officially becoming frustrated with the progress in the one week from when she came back from Paris. All her efforts had gone down the drain like the time she faked a call from Alice Cooper to summon them both to the office to trap them and so that they talk and confess their love for each other. Okay....maybe not love but the fact that they clearly like each other. It was time for plan b which was dragging dear sweet Archiekins into this. So, Veronica walked up to the Cooper household one day and knocked on the door. Betty opened it and let her in.

" Hey V. I didn't know you were coming over."

" I wasn't gonna but it's an emergency. Is Archiekins home and also where are you going...??"

" Uhhhhh....ya Archie is home and I am going to Pop's to work with Jughead on a newspaper article my mom assigned us."

" Oh cool"

They said their goodbyes and on Veronica's way to Archie's bedroom, she thought, Wow mama Coop knows how to play matchmaker! 

She reached Archie's room and opened to a young adult playing video games in an extremely disorganized room. She rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's maturity and went up to the power cord and pulled the plug out causing the video game to shut down.

" Heyyyyy...I was this close to winning! I hate you."

" Okay I am sorry but I need your help urgently."

" You need my help?"

" Yes, you are literally my last hope in doing this otherwise I have to do something very brutal. It's about Betty and Jughead. They literally look like they are in love but won't admit it. It's frustrating.", she sighs and falls on the bed."

" Ronnie, don't you think you are pushing it to hard. I mean I get that you are a literal matchmaker and I also know you are never wrong but they should figure out on their own. Don't frustrate yourself for no reason."

" Wow, okay you are good at giving advice. But what if like they don't EVER realize that. I mean I know Jughead for a while and he was always oblivious to girls flirting with him and Betty my sweetie is too innocent to go for it."

" Okay, how about we give them some time and if nothing happens we can fool them by telling them to come to the bunker we found a while back to join us and then lock them in there until they admit their feelings. How about that?"

" OMG, THAT'S BRILLIANT! You are full of ideas and advice today except for a small twist to your little idea. We do it tomorrow because the faster the better."

" No that's not-"

" Bup bup bup, no excuses Archiekins. Tomorrow we call them and do this and if you back up I will never forgive you. Oh finally my two besties will find the person and we can have double dates.", Veronica squealed.

Archie didn't think he had a say in this anymore. He just hoped that his new bestie doesn't become his former best friend and his sister doesn't hate me. Same goes for Veronica. Only time will tell...

The Sense Of PainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz