Chapter 7

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The weekend went by slow. People were in and out of your room all weekend. 

After hearing Jimin, of all people, say that you and Yoongi are meant to be, Mr. Jeon started to trust Yoongi more. Hearing the stories about him, he can tell Yoongi is nothing like his father.

The one thing your father feared more than anything with Yoongi around, was that he was just like his dad. That in the end he was going to betray you just like his dad betrayed yours. 

Your father obviously keeps a close eye on Yoongi though.

The boys alternate through the days with you now. 

With you breathing on your own, there's hope that you'll wake up and recover, so they feel more comfortable with leaving but none stay away for too long... Afraid it could all turn any minute.


Yoongi and Jungkook are currently sitting with you while your father comes and goes. 

He can't stay in your room for too long. Seeing you like this just breaks him. He feels responsible for not being there, for not preventing this all from happening. He blames only himself.

Your vitals are still not improving and the doctors are working effortlessly to find out why. Your vitals should be getting stronger. 

Your body's healing and your swelling is pretty much gone. There's no signs of bleeding anywhere anymore either. But you're still in a coma.

The doctors did warn the boys that even if you were breathing on your own, it's possible you may never wake up due to the trauma... 

...The boys don't want to accept that though... They went too long without you and they just want you to be by their side again.

The doctors have tried talking to your father about giving it another week or so but if there is no improvement to consider, with holding anymore treatments and let you slip away peacefully. 

Your father still has hope though and refuses to listen.


Jimin and Taehyung walk into your room just as your father is exiting. "Oh, hello boys. I'm headed to the cafeteria to get them food, would you like anything?" 

They both bow. "No thank you sir. We ate before coming back." 

He nods then walks away.

The two boys walk in, one sitting next to Jungkook and the other next to Yoongi. 

"Any change?" 

"Not at all." 

"Her eyes still move under her eyelids though. That means her brain's still functioning though. She's still dreaming. She just has to be in there somewhere. Trapped."

The four all look back at you, shaking their heads. 

They still don't really understand what's going on with you. Why haven't you actually woken up yet? Jimin recovered when he was in the same position, so why can't it be the same way for you?

While they are lost in their trail of thoughts, trying to understand your condition, the heart monitor starts to go off. 

The boys look at it concerned as the nurses rush in. 



One of the residents runs in and starts to examine you while another nurse rushes to get your doctor. 

I'll Protect You Book 2 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora