Chapter 10

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After hearing what your father said to you, the boys are standing in the doorway waiting for an explanation. 

"Dad! Are you going to let Y/n die? Because withholding care will only kill her!" 

"Jungkook, listen to me. She's suffering. We need to accept-"

Jungkook shakes his head. "No! Fuck that! We can't give up on her! The doctor said there's still a chance. I almost gave up on her. Almost gave up on the chance she was out there, alive. waiting for her big brother to save her... I won't do that again. I won't give up..." 

Mr. Jeon sighs. "The doctor also said there is still a chance she won't and if she does then she might have deficits."

Jimin looks at you then Mr. Jeon. "We can handle that. We can help her. She'll be fine. She has to be. She's Y/n!" 

"Boys. I know you don't want to hear this. The doctors said if she doesn't wake up in the next week or so, then it's time to consider withholding her care."

The four boys all shake their heads and walk to your side. 


"I won't accept that!" 

"We will get her to wake up then."

 "She's going to be fine." 

Mr. Jeons sighs again and rubs his forehead before sitting on the couch.

The four boys sit next to you. 

"You're going to wake up. I just know it." 

They look at each other and eat while each taking turns, talking to you. Even when they get no reaction they keep fighting... They keep talking... Determined to get you awake.

Your father can't handle it anymore and decides to leave. "I'll be at the company if you need me. I'm going to find the boys that put her here." 

"Ok. Be careful." 

"Let us know if you find anything out." 

"I will. Good luck here." With that he leaves and they return to their work.



It's now Thursday and the boys still aren't giving up. 

Jieun, (G)-Idle and even the boys of Monsta X have been in to see you. They try talking your ears off too but still get no results. 

BTS still refuses to let that stop them.


Jieun is sitting with Jungkook in your room while the two of them talk to you. 

"Y/n-ah, please wake up. I miss you. You have to see how well your company is coming along. You need to get up and finish getting your degree too. Come on!"

Jungkook wraps his arm around Jieun to sooth her as she starts to cry. 

"Why isn't she waking up? She should be awake! This isn't fair. Everything she's been through and she's stuck here like this. It's just not fair."

Jungkook nods as tears fall from his eyes now too. "I know. I know. She has to be ok though. We have to stay positive." 

Jieun nods. "She has to wake up. No way this is how her story ends. It's only been what? A little over a month or so? There's still hope."

Jungkook smiles. "There is. We won't give up on her." 

Jieun grabs your hand. "I'm right here Y/n. I'm not gonna leave you behind. You didn't leave me behind or forget me for one second. I will return the favor."

I'll Protect You Book 2 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat