Chapter 25

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You take a deep breath before slowly turning around to face the man. 

"My it is you. Y/n what are you doing out here?" 

"P-please don't tell J-Jungkook." 

He looks at you trembling a bit. "Are you ok?" 

"I-I just wanted a walk. I got a little c-confused as to where I was though."

"Does anyone know you left the house?"

"They probably figured it out already... Th-They had a meeting, so I thought h-hey, good time for some air... Please don't tell them. T-they'll be mad at me." 

"Hey calm down. I won't say a word. Their meeting was with us. Didn't you know?"

You shake your head and look down. "I'm n-not working in that line of business anymore... I-I can't even remember what happened to me. I'm not mentally stable enough so th-they let me go... All I do is-is sit at home and occasionally go to work." You wipe your tears away.

"Hey it's ok. You had something traumatic happen to you. It's ok though. Want me to take you home?" 

You shake your head slowly. "I want to find my way home but this path is a blur. I-I thought I only lost my memory from the night I went missing but-"

"But what?" 

"I realized it was more than that. Details from my past are missing. I keep getting lost around the town I grew up in. I-I can't even remember how to make my mothers famous dish. The boys keep asking and I-I can't remember it. So I make up excuses."

Leo shakes his head and hugs you slightly. "Where's your phone?" 

You pat your pockets and sigh. "I must have left it at home again." 

Leo nods. "Let me help you get home. Come on." 

You nod and follow Leo inside the club. 

He notices you looking around with a scared look. "You don't have to be nervous." 

"I-I haven't been doing good in public places." 

"I know Jungkook told me. We are closed right now. These are the only people around at the moment. I needed the place to get a deep cleaning. You're ok right now."

You slowly nod and watch as he approaches Ravi. You continue on with your acting, making it look like you are just confused and scared. 

Ravi looks at you and sighs. "Guess she really isn't a threat to us then?" 

"Nope. She's gone insane. Remembers nothing."

Ravi nods. "So what do we do then?" 

"I'll tell Mr. Kim that she's practically gone insane. She's lost some of her memories from before her accident as well. Streets don't even look familiar to her. She doesn't remember how to get home."

"But she found her way here?" 

"She didn't know where she even was. She begged me not to tell Jungkook she even left the house. They don't let her go anywhere and she was let go from her company." 

"Are you going to tell him? Make him think we are still on his side?"

"I am. I am going to take her home. I am going to text him now and tell him that I found her wandering the streets alone, scared and confused. I'll let him know she's home safe and tell her to call him just to tell him she's okay incase they were looking for her."

Ravi smiles. "Good idea. Covering up the truth. Use her to our advantage now." 

"I'll be back soon. Man the fort till I return." 

I'll Protect You Book 2 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now