Chapter 19

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After informing your group chat that you arrived safely at the Company, you get out and head for the doors. 

You can see the guard that Namjoon's dad assigned to guard you walking in behind you from a distance.

When you walk inside you are greeted by Jieun, Taehyung and Jimin. You smile at them and they hug you. 

You take a deep breath to relax from how tense you become by their touch, just as you have been doing before pulling away.

Jieun smiles widely. "I'm so happy to see you back here." 

"I can't believe how far we've come." 

"We are one of the top companies around and now with you back maybe we can weasel higher up that list."

You nod. "What about the idols we were going to start training and produce music with?"

"We put the auditions on hold. Some of them dropped out but there's a group of them still interested." 

You nod. "We should start setting up plans for the auditions then."

Jimin looks at you. "Are you sure you're up for that?" 

You nod. "Yes. I don't want to live like this anymore. It's been long enough that I hid and did nothing except talk about my feelings and try to find these people who took me. I want to live my life again."

Taehyung nods. "We can wait and give it more time before having the auditions." 

You shake your head. "Nonsense. We've waited long enough. Before we close up, we can meet and discuss our plans. You have classes and appointments to attend to. So go."

Jimin and Taehyung nod and hesitate but eventually take off to their classes. 

You look at Jieun and smile. 

"I'm so happy you're back Y/n-ah." 

"Me too. I'm going to check out my office then my recording studio before working on some things."

She nods. "Did you want me to make an announcement that you were back and start booking appointments for you?" 

You look at her and slowly nod. "I do but when you book my appointments let's start out small. Not too many people in one day."

She smiles. "I can most certainly do that. When do you want me to start booking your appointments for?"

"Monday. I'll spend today and the weekends preparing and setting my stuff up then see where things lead Monday." 

"I will get right on it."

She walks away to make the announcement of your return while you approach your office. 

You shake your head as you look around. "Wow. I really didn't decorate one bit." 

"No, no you didn't." 

You jump and turn around quickly where you see a boy with his hands up in the air.

The boy walks closer. "Whoops, sorry Y/n. Didn't mean to scare you. Jimin said you were coming back to work today and I thought I would come see you." 

"It's ok Wonho. It just caught me by surprise. How are you doing though? I haven't seen you since the hospital."

"Much better now that you're back. This place didn't feel right without you. You're the only one who knows how to produce my music the way I like it." 

You chuckle and smile at Wonho. "I missed you too." 

He smiles. "I'm glad you're back. Come get me if you need me."

I'll Protect You Book 2 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now