Chapter 30

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You sit at the long round table as the men surrounding you go over the plan. 

They are non-stop going at each other, throwing new ideas at one another while bringing up old ideas. 

You however, are just sitting and staring, spacing off. You hear nothing they are saying.

Everything was planned out. 

You were all ready. 

Why now does it seem like everything is falling apart now?

You stand up abruptly causing the attention to shift to you. 

"I- I need to step out for a moment." With that you don't let any of them respond and just rush out the door.

You rush up to the roof and over to the edge where you close your eyes and face up to the sun, taking in the warmth. You breathe in the fresh air and try to regroup. 

Your eyes flash open quickly to the sound of the door opening. You relax when you see it's only Jimin.

He shakes his head at you. "I would pretend as if I didn't see you jump 30 feet to just the sound of a secure facility door opening but right now I am worried." 

"I'm fine. I just need a minute." 

"It's all coming to reality to you now, isn't it?" He stops walking when he reaches you.

You nod and face back up to the sun with your eyes closed, to once again take in its warmth. 

"Y/n-ah, you know you don't have to do this." 

You sigh. "I do. I was the one they hurt. So were you. We should be the two to take them down, once and for all."

Jimin sighs. "I agree. But if your head isn't there, this could end badly. I need you focused." 

"I am. I- I just don't get it." 

"Get what?" 

"We had a plan ready for this day to come, but now it seems like no one has a clue what's going on. What went wrong?"

Jimin slightly chuckles and shakes his head. "It's not what went wrong, but what we can do to ensure our plan is right and going to work. The goal is for us all to come home safe and end this battle once and for all. For everyone's sake."

"The battle will never end. We kill one bird but there are many still behind to follow." 

"Then we take them down too. Our goal now, eliminate Chang once and for all. Show him and his men what it's like to be on the opposite end." 

"What if it doesn't work?"

Jimin places his hand on your shoulder for reassurance. "Then we all retreat and find a new plan. We leave before anything goes wrong. Together we are stronger and will defeat all our enemies." 

"But what if they catch one of us?" 

"Then we fight for them. We get them back."

You nod. "They're smart though." 

"We're smarter. We learned from our past mistakes. We won't let that happen again. I promise we are all coming home alive." 

You nod but stand there remaining silent. 

"Take your time out here, then come back in."

You nod to Jimin and he walks back inside. 

Once you hear the door shut you open your eyes again. "Everyone comes home. Stop psyching yourself out Y/n. They know what they're doing. Just follow the plan. Do as they say. You got this."

I'll Protect You Book 2 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora