Chapter Forty - The Alcohol

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I was on top of the world. I couldn't believe that life got so good so fast.  Nash was mine, I had the best bestfriend I could possibly ask for and I was about to go to a little party with most of my favourite people in the world. Nash and I speed walked to our houses and met Ally and Cam already struggling with bags of alcohol.

"Where the hell did you get all that?" I said, I mean she was literally struggling to hold the overflowing bag of liqour, Camerons arms were also being dragged down by two rucksacks full.

"Mum caught us trying to sneak off with it, but we told her the truth and she just gave it to us." Ally explained, repositioning the bag in her hands.

"She wasnt even mad, I couldn't believe it!" Cam exclaimed wide eyed.

"She gave us more than we even wanted. " Ally continued, "but yeah, my mum is pretty amazing." She grinned.

"Hell yeah she is!" Nash agreed.

I giggled and walked to my front door, unlocking it and pushin it opem in one swift movement.  Nash and I shuffled through the house where I led him to our store of alcohol. I shoved bottles into hid arms two at a time, not even stopping to read what it was first.

"I think thats gonna be enough." He said, handing me some of the bottles, "do you have something to carry it all with though? "

"Er, I think we have a wheel barrow somewhere in the garden...?"

"Good enough for me."

"Kay, one second then" I yelled,  already halfway down the garden. I yanked the hideous red structure from it's cage of greenery and pushed it back towards to house.

"Wow, that's one big, ugly wheelbarrow." Nash commented, assessing the beast with his eyes.

"You can always carry the drinks if you'd prefer?"

"You know what? I've suddenly been hit with a wave of affection for this... unique creation."

"Well good, you can drive it. "

He groaned dramatically and spilled his armful of bottled into the barrow and lifting it up by the handles. "Ready?" He asked.


We headed back to the campsite where we were greeted by blaring music, a warm fire and the smell of beer polluting the air. We made our way over to the makeshift benches where I pressed my body to Nash's.

"Finally!" Aaron shouted over the thumping bass,  "what the hell were you doing? "

"You really wanna know?" Nash asked with a develish grin, taking two plastic cups from shawn and handing one to me.

"Oh," said Aaron, then again after he realised what Nash had meant,  "oh" I knew they were joking but I felt my face grow hot anyway and decided to bury my head in Nash's shoulder to hide my blush.

"Let's get this party started!" Screamed Ally suddenly, sitting on Camerons shoulders with her arms in the air as they edged out of the shadows of the surrounding woodland. She got a response of cheering before all noise was drowned out by the music being turmed up louder. We jumped to our feet and began dancing our way through the night.

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