Chapter 56 - Painting

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"Okay, you kids need to stop now." my mum warned, "I need you to collect all the nerf gun bullets or my adult guests will think world war three happened in my home."

"Okay, Sorry for causing so much mess in your home, Jenna!" Nash said politely in response to my mum just as Ally said, "Of course we'll clean it up! We didn't mean to be so childish!" the two then glared at each other, each wanting to be my mums favourite.

I laughed at the pair and said "sure mum, we'll start now."

"Oh, no, not you Amelia, you'll have to help afterwards, Megan's on facetime waiting for you." Mum said before strutting of towards the house again.

My stomach turned. I hadn't spoken to Megan since Daisy died. After she'd left from her suprise visit she'd become distant and always seemed nervous. It was hard for me to talk to her; she reminded me of Daisy too much.

I rushed into the house, leaving the others to tidy up the mess we'd created.

"Hey Megs." I greeted once I'd picked up my phone and gone to my room.

"Hey Mils, how are you?" she replied, smiling at me.

"I'm good, you?" I replied.

"I'm... okay. Anything weird happened to you lately?" Her gaze became intense as she waited for my reply.

"Um, no?" I replied confused,"Why would I be?"

"Nothing, don't worry." She faked a smile at me.

I decided to ignore her weirdness and we continued chatting like normal for a while about nothing in particular. It was sad how forced the conversation seemed, we were ignoring the elephant in the room and it wasn't like how we used to talk.

Upon hanging up, I headed back outside to find the guys spread around the garden looking for the bullets.

"Haven't you finished yet?" I asked, I'm pretty sure I'd been on the phone for about an hour.

"I think so, we're just double checking." Ally told me from underneath a bush, her legs wiggling as she tried to shuffle back out again.

"There doesn't seem to be anymore inside!" called Nash coming towards us with Sky on his shoulders. "By the way, Lexi left, she told me to tell you goodbye and also that she's making us all go to a nightclub this Saturday."

"Aren't we too young to go to a nightclub?" said Ally.

"Yeah, but Nash knows a guy that can get us fake I.Ds." Cam explained, helping Ally up to her feet.

Nash just smiled and got Sky from his shoulders so that she could go play with Max; the two ran off inside laughing about some kids programme.

"You up for it?" Nash asked, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Sure, why not? Just don't let my mum find out okay?" I agreed, he didn't answer me, he just tightened his grip and kissed my cheek.

"What should we do-"Ally started but was interupted by mum bursting through the back door.

"Guys, Lizzy and I wanted to go for a walk and were going to take the two younger ones with us, is that okay with you?" 

All four of us nodded our agreement before she contiued.

"Also, I may have a small favour to ask you..." She bit her lip and then hesitantly asked us, "Well, basically, I wanted to change the colour of the fence because it looks kind of orangey right now and I thought it would look more sophisticated in like a dark brown, so I was wondering if maybe you would paint it for me? I would do it myself but I figured whilst you were all here... I'll be paying you of course."

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