Chapter 52 - Pebble Throwin'

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"Tonight was fun." I said to Nash as he walked me to my front door.

"I thought so too." He agreed.

We reached my house and I pulled out my keys to unlock the door. After, I stepped inside and stood looking at him and he looked right back at me.

"You can come in if you want?" I said, not entirely sure I wanted him too because I needed to shower and sleep and it was already 11 o'clock but also desperate for him too so that we could snuggle up together.

"No, I'd better not." He said, shaking me from my thoughts, "I'm not sure your parents would appreciate it too much." He smirked at me.

"No, probably not." I laughed back, "thank you for tonight, I really did love meeting your family and I-"

"Amelia, is that you?" Called my mum from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm home!"

"Is Nash still with you?"

"Yes, mum."

"Hi Nash!" She yelled.

"Hi!" He shouted from the door. I bet our neighbours hate us, I thought.

"Gimme a sec and I'll be out to see you!" She said.

"No, no, no! You can go now!" I told Nash, pushing his chest so that he would move out of the way.

"Why, why, why?" He said, mocking me.

"Because if she starts talking, then she will not stop until the early hours of the morning and someone-" I pointed to myself, "needs their beauty sleep."

"Oh, right." He smirked, "Of course, me too." He told me, his voice suddenly turned as high as he could go before he squeeled, "I need my skin perfectly moisturised and sleep on my right so that my hair doesn't frizz when I wake up!" With a gay looking hand flip.

I rolled my eyes at him, but before I could come up with a witty reply, I heard mum making her way towards the door, so, instead I kissed him quickly and slammed the door on his shocked face.

"Where did Nash go?" Mum asked, clearly disappointed.

"His mum needed him for something." I lied.

"Oh." She replied, but then quickly perked up, "by the way, we want to meet Nash, so I arranged with Elizabeth, a Barbeque next week, hopefully, Cam will have recovered by then because I heard his sister is coming for a visit so we could invite the Dallas' and of course Ally and her mum..." she rattled on about details, but eventually I got sick of trying to listen and so bid her a goodnight, then jogged to my bathroom to shower.

After Mum mentioning Cam, I couldn't help but feel depressed. I felt bad for Hayes, he loved Cameron like another brother and didn't mean to hurt him, or anyone. I felt horrible for Nash, who'd lost his bestfriend more or less, he acted like he was okay, but I could tell, every now and then I'd catch him looking distant and pained, I knew it was hurting him more than he let on. Ally was who I was most worried about though, she was literally living at the hospital, her mum had called me a few times, pleading with me to try get her home, not that she ever listened to me. She wasn't herself and I hated watching as she fell apart. Plus, I missed him to, he was my friend and it was horrible being without him honestly.

I crawled into bed, smothering myself in the massive duvet before falling to sleep.


What the hell is that?!

I sat bolt upright in bed, giving myself a painful head rush and rubbing violently at my eyes to try see around my dark bedroom. It took me a moment to realise my phone was the evil object that was causing my ears to bleed.

"What?" I answered groggily, not even bothering to read the caller ID as I fell back into the cluster of pillows behind me.

"Aimee?!" The frantic voice on the other end of the line woke me up properly as if ice water had been thrown over my body.

"Ally, what's wrong?"

"It's Cam!" she cried and my heart dropped. Please don't let him be dead. Please, please don't let someone else die.

"No, he can't be." I breathed, the words coming out in stutters.

"What? Oh! No! No, Aimee! He's not dead! He's awake! He woke up!" She nearlt screamed, the excitement in her voice was hard to hear through her sobs.

"Why are you crying?" I asked desperately, seriously concerned for her mental health.

"I'm just happy, jeez! Now hurry the hell up and get yourself and your boyfriend here pronto! Okay?" Without waiting for a response, she hung up.

Not wasting a moment, I threw on black jeans and a black hoodie, tied my hair in a ponytail and rushed out the front door in my trainers.

Crap, I thought, looking at Nash's black house, how the hell am I going to wake him up without waking up the whole house?

Then I had a genius idea.

I threw pebbles at his bedroom window. I missed the first dozen times before begining to better my aim. I'd been throwing the pebbles for a few minutes now and nothing had changed, so I was begining to consider attempting to climb the house when a light turned on in his room. Getting excited, I started throwing more pebbles, when suddenly his head flew out the window and the pebble I'd thrown smacked him in the head. It looked better in the movies.

"Ow!" He whisper yelled at me, "What? Why are you here in the middle of the night?!"

"We need to go out, now!" I whisper shouted back.

"At ten to three in the morning?!"

"It's Cam." He looked confused for a moment and then quickly disappeared for a moment, appearing moments later out of the front door in a fresh shirt and his pyjama bottoms.

"Why were you throwing rocks at my window?" He asked as we rushed to the car.

"They were pebbles. And I had to wake you up somehow!" I told him in a 'duh' voice.

"Why didn't you just call my mobile?!" He asked.

Now that was a very good question...

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