Chapter Twenty Six - The Idea

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"YO CHICKAS!" Shouted Taylor running into the room. "AND MY MAN NASH!" He yelled smacking Nash on his back.

"TAYLOR HEY!" I yelled back, he ran up to me and picked me up and spun me around while I screamed and laughed.

"I like you Ammy, you're cool." He said giving me a peck on the cheek and setting me down. Nash coughed, to remind us that he was in the room.

"Where's everyone else?" He asked, annoyance clear in his tone.

"Here!" Said Cam, entering the room juggling bags of Chinese food.

"Yummy!" Exclaimed Ally, running over to Cameron and taking the food and quickly pressing her lips to his. That reminded me that I still hadn't asked how that had happened. I'll ask her later.
Suddenly a mass of people filed into the kitchen, Carter, Matt, Aaron, Mahogany, Jack, Jack, Lexi (eurgh), a girl I knew vaguely from school (named Kathryn) and Shawn. The noise increased dramatically and I sent the boys outside with Magogany and Kathryn; I would've sent Lexi except I didn't want her near Nash. I know, I'm that stupid girl who doesn't want a boy she's not even dating talk to pretty girls. I'm an idiot.

So, the remaining four of us piled way too much food onto fifteen plates and headed outside feeling like a waitress. We were greeted by cheers and applause as the food got handed out, by the time we sat down to eat our food, most of the boys had licked their plates clean.

"So, what're we doing tonight chaps and chappettes?" Asked Aaron, winking at me as he did his best English accent.

"Sleep?" Asked Shawn, who got awarded with a smack on the back of his head by Matt for his dumb ass answer.

"No, Shawn, we have to do something amazing and different and teenagery and something we don't usually do." Preached Carter dramatically, staring up at the sky as if he's just said a speech that would solve the worlds problems. Cam and Nash acted as though it was the most inspirational thing they'd ever heard and clutched their hearts and fanned themselves to exaggerate the pretence.

"Seriously guys, I don't wanna go home tonight" said Jack J.

"Me neither." Agreed Jack G.

"Which brings me right back to the question of What are we going to do tonight?" Aaron asked again.

"We could go to the beach?" Mahogany suggested, her eyes huge with excitement and she twirled her ringlets nervously, looking as though she regretted sharing her idea. However, everyone smiled at her loving the idea, everyone except Lexi.

"Nope, I don't want to, I'll get all sandy and gross" she complained.

"Your already gross." I muttered under my breath and both Ally and Megan smirked from either side of me.

I stood up and walked into the house collecting plates to put away before I left, Ally helped and joined me in my washing up.

"What do you think we should do then boo?" She asked splashing me with bubbly water.

I yelped and jumped back, smacking her with the tea towel.

"I don't know, something outside, it's too hot to stay indoors with all of us, too much body heat." She nodded in agreement.

"What did you do in England?" She asked.

"Erm, I don't know really. Sometimes in the summer we went camping and had marshmallows and things, it was actually pretty fun..." My voice trailed of, we stared at each other.


We rushed outside hand in hand. "We, well mainly Amelia, just had the best idea in the history of the worlds ideas ever!" Ally exclaimed bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Thank god for that, I was about to leave, these people have horrible ideas that even the makers of Disney would be ashamed of." Said Taylor, looking at each member of our group in mock disgust.

"Anyway, as I was saying," continued Al, ignoring Taylor's comment, "Amelia said we should go camping! We can walk to Walmart and get marshmallows and things, Me, Nash, Cam and Aimee can bring pillows and blankets-"

She was interrupted by cheers and high fives and Nash shouting that he had tents in his house.

"Me too man, come with me to grab 'em" said Cam nudging Nash in the ribs.

"Okay, so it's settled, everyone go and get bits and bobs for camping and being it back here in 20 minutes, we can walk over to Walmart to get food and shiz, then come back here, grab everything and head out to find somewhere in the woods to camp, yeah?" Suggested Aaron, who was praised for his organisation skills and everyone departed from the garden except me, Al, Meg's, Mahogany and Aaron - Mahogany, who I nicknamed May because her name is just to damn long to keep saying, Ally and Meg's were borrowing my clothes because I liked them and not the other girls, whom I didn't offer to share with and Aaron was borrowing from Cam as he lived too far away to get there and back in 20 minutes. The house got quieter as they left and the five of us made our way upstairs to sort out anything we could take.

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