Chapter 55 - This means War

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Ally had been scrubbing my face for what felt like years before finally giving up, however she had managed to wash away the glasses and only left a faint outline of the lightning bolt.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome." She replied, taking my hand and leading me to her bag, "but I have a revenge plan." She looked out of the window where Cam and Nash sat on sunchair directly beneath us.

She pulled out a bag of colourful looking rubber and a huge smile sread across my face, "Water balloons!"

"Some of them yes, but most of them are going to be-" she pulled out a can of squirty cream, "cream balloons!"

We set to work filling the ballons instantly, putting the finished ones in the bath so we could easily grab and throw them. When we'd finally finished we looked down at the boys, aiming our ballons.

"Ready?" I whispered.

"Ready!" Ally whispered back.

"One, two, three.." I counted.

"FIRE!" Ally yelled and the boys looked up at us like a rabbit caught in headlights before being coated in the fluffy cream. We threw them like crazy people, not even bothering to aim anymore and getting splotches of cream and water on ourselves as we dropped them accidently or the boys threw ones that hadn't burst back up at us.

Ally yelped as a cream filled balloon flew at her head and left a huge white clump in her hair.

"We've run out of amo!" She exclaimed.

"Plan B?" I asked, we'd already discussed our back up plan and rushed to Max's room, unfortunately Nash and Cam had the same idea; nurf guns.

We walked in to find the two boys, plus my two little brothers, firing at us from all directions.

"How're we gonna get a gun?" Ally asked, peeking over the plastic table we'd turned sideways to sheild ourselves and looking at the stack of guns behind Nash; Max had an obsession and had at least twenty guns, most of them were different and some better than others, but us girls had none.

"I have a plan!" I said, a sudden idea popping into my head.

I stood up, my palms held up in surrender, "Don't shoot!" I shouted, walking hesitantly to the boys side.

"Why not?" Max asked, one eye closed as he aimed his gun at my head.

"I want to swap teams." I told them, walking towards Nash.

"What?!" I heard Ally yell from behind the desk and rolled my eyes.

"Didn't want to lose?" Nash asked, smirking at me, his hair dripping with water and squirty cream.

"Mmm, something like that." I replied, standing up on my tiptoes to kiss him, whilst my hands went behind him to the guns.

"Nash! The guns!" Cameron screeched, obviously catching one to my plan.

Realising what I was doing Ally jumped up, "Aimee, Throw them to me!"

So I started lobbing nurf guns in her direction, as soon as I thought we had enough I turned to run back to safety but instead came face to face with the enemies.

They'd formed a semi circle around me, all holding their guns up to me. Ally had apparently abandoned me with the guns because she was nowhere to be seen now.

"What should we do with her?" James asked, moving nothig but his mouth.

"Hold her captive so we can blackmail their team?" Asked Cam. Jeez, they get way into this.

"We could always-" Nash started but interupted by a stampede of feet and in charged Ally, Lexi (yes, the brunette barbie that I hated) and Skylynn firing Nurf guns like maniacs. All the boys turned their aims from me and to my team mates, all except Nash, whose eyes stayed on me.

"Aimee, Catch!" Ally yelled, throwing a small gun over everyone's heads. Then I did something I would never be able to duplicate if I tried; I went all ninja on their ass', I jumped up and caught the gun, firing at James and hitting him in the forehead, I then landed and kicked Nash's gum from his hand before putting one arm around his neck and the other hand holding the gun to his head and using him as a body shield to get back to my team, which turned out to be extreamly difficult due tl the height difference.

After I was safely on the girls half of the room, we walked out backwards, our backs never turned to the opposing team as we left their base.

When we got to the kitchen we huddled together to make a plan. The adults from the bbq had evacuated to the lounge, which left the garden as no man's land.

"We need a base!" Skylynn informed us, bouncing on her toes and struggling to hold a gun that was way to big for her.

"I agree, how about the treehouse?" Said Lexi; she'd come with her parents who were my mums new friends, plus she was acting non-bitchy, so I decided to treat her normally also.

"That's a great idea! It'll give us height and we'll know if they try to come in!" Said Ally excitedly.

"Okay, but how will we get there? They'll be waiting for us at the windows." I reminded them.

"Right, you and you," said Ally pointing at Skylynn and Lexi, "will wait for our signal and then I want you to run around the edge of the garden as fast as you can," they both nodded eagerly, "me and Aimee will distract the boys, okay?"

We all nodded and Lexi and Sky got into their positions at the back door.

"What exactly are we going to do?" I whispered to Ally and she smiled mischievously before explaining her idea quickly and quietly and making me smile too.

"Ready?" She said.

"Hell yeah" I replied, quickly signalling for our partners to start their part of the plan.

"Boys?" Ally cooed, standing behind them all, they all turned to face us and we both pulled our dresses half way to reveal our bras.

The boys just stared at us, completely lost at what to say, Cam kept opening his mouth like he was going to say something before closing his mouth again without making a sound. Ally and I burst into hysterics, quickly pulling our dresses back up rushing downstairs and out the back door to our tree house where we were greeted with 'whoops' and cheers.

"THIS MEANS WAR!" Nash yelled out the window as we watched from our tree house.

Ally replied with her middle finger and a smug grin. Cam tried a pathetic attempt at shooting us even though the space between us was huge, James was still in complete shock and hadn't even turned from where we'd been standing minutes ago and Max just looked confused and furious whilst us girls laughed and high fived each other.

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