Chapter 64 - Catching the Bitch

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I told Cam everything.

I told him about Ally and Seb, about how upset Ally had seemed, how the blackmailer messaged her and then me, the real reason I broke up with Nash and why I'd come to tell him and not Allison.

By the end of my confession, Cam looked as white as a sheet and completely shell-shocked. He didn't say much, so I just let myself out.

I headed home, my shoulders slumped and feeling like shit.

Ally is going to hate me for this. Nash already hates me for this. Cam will always think of me as the girl who told him now. I still don't know who the blackmailer is. Mum thinks I'm a disapointment and doesn't trust me. What am I going to do?

I walked straight past my house and to the little coffee shop where I bought a mango smoothie and headed to the beach. I didn't really like being here alone. I thought it would cheer me up, thinking about when I'd come here with my friends, or the very first time I came here with Nash; Instead, I felt a stab of guilt at my heart for letting them all down.

It wasn't long before I got sick of the noisy ocean and the squaking birds, the sand made my skin itchy and the wind pulled at my hair. How did I not notice these things before?

I headed back in the direction of home, feeling like I needed to move but I had no where to go. I'd just go to the end of my street when I heard shouting.

"How could you do that to me?!" Yelled some boy, his voice breaking by the end of the sentence.

"Cam, please, listen to me, I was drunk. I didn't mean to. I just didn't think!" Oh God, it was Cam and Ally.

I knew that I shouldn't watch, but when I tried to make my feet move, they disobeyed and stayed planted on the spot, forcing me to watch the chaos I'd unleashed.

"You never think, Allison!" I saw Ally flinch when he used her full name, "And for a minute I thought you'd actually try with our relationship, everyone calls you a slut behind your back, but I always stood up for you, always. But, then, just as I thought I could be falling in love with you, you prove me wrong and kiss some other guy. Seb of all people!"

Ally couldn't control herself, she was sobbing uncontrollably, her usually perfect face contorted in pain as he yelled at her.

"Cam, Listen to me. I do love you. Just tell me what I need to do to make this better. Anything?" She pleaded, looking at him in a way that made me think she really would do anything, like jump of a cliff, for this one boy.

"Forget it, Allison. It's over, we're not even friends anymore." He spat, before turning and striding away to his house.

My feet decided to move then and I ran over to wear Ally had sat down on the floor, crying into her arms.

"Ally, I'm so sorry, are you-" She cut me of by looking up at me with a death glare.

"You Bitch!" She shrieked, standing up and moving away from me like I had a contagious disease, "How could you do that to me? I can't belive you!"

"Ally, I'm sorry! I had to! You know I did, the person that keeps texting us would only have made it worse!" I tried to make her understand.

"But you're my bestfriend! You're supposed to be there for me!" She cried before collapsing into tears.

"Ally, I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to break up, but I didn't know what else to do." I said apologetically, kneeling down beside her and wiping some tears away from her face with my finger.

"He hates me, doesn't he?" She mummered, looking up at me with the deepest of regret.

"If it makes you feel any better, Nash hates me too?" I offered, offering her a pitiful attempt of a smile.

She laughed without any humour.

"C'mon, let's get you back home." I told her, pulling her up and helping her to stand again.

"Who's that?" Ally asked, looking over at a girl hidden beneath a mass of greenery.

"I don't know, what's she doing?" I asked, we both watched as the girl typed away at her phone, I couldn't see her features even in the daylight; her face was completley covered by the bush but a gap in the leaves revealed her dress and her hands tapping away at a phone.

She'd just put her phone back in her pocket when Allison phone bleeped from her pocket.

"Oh my God, it's her. She's just sent me a text! That's the blackmailer!" Ally whisper-screamed at me.

We didn't even look at each other as we started running.

The girl must've noticed our sudden attack and tried to flee, but her foot got caught in the branch and she flew face first to the ground, her vibrant red hair sprawled out along the grass.

"No way." Ally said, her mouth hanging open as she mimicked my expression, "You're the bitch that's been blackmailing us?" 

"It couldn't be you..." I said, "Mahogany?"

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