Chapter Thirty Five - Moments

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The day was one full of ridiculous laughter and continuous silliness. Our whole group were worse than that of a party of 5 year olds at Disney land without their parents. In this particular moment I lay on my belly, my head facing Ally's with one ear pressed to the sand and the other probably burnt red in the sun. Ally lay beside me in exactly the same position but in the opposite direction. May and Megs seemed to have become best friends and had wondered of in search of an adventure and the boys had took of in search for an ice cream truck.

"I love this." Ally said quietly, still looking at me.

"Having me all to yourself?" I mocked with a small smile.

She grinned, "well yeah that, but I had meant this day in general. "I'm with the only people I like, well the only ones I like that I'm not forced to like family or whatever,"

"Actually you're not forced to like them,your forced to love them." I interrupted, she ignored.

"And then we're staying for another night and I have you and Cam and now you have Nash, and I LOVE Megan with a capital "L" and I just don't know if I could be any happier" she smiled and turned onto her back and closed her eyes.

I didn't reply. I just sort of stared. It probably looked a little creepy actually,but I didn't care. I kept reminding myself to try remember this moment, I knew soon it would be a memory so I tried to soak every detail into my mind. The warm sand, the blazing sun rays, my salty tangles of hair, the sound of waves crashing. I continued to watch Ally, this is one of those moments when you just notice things, and right now I was noticing just how beautiful my best friend was. She wasn't even trying. It was like her wonderful personality shone from the outside as well as inside. Even as she lay smothered in sand, her hair a salty mess and her cheeks pink with sunburn, no one could deny how truly gorgeous she was. It was in that one moment that I realised that I truly loved Allison. Now don't get all freaky on me, I am not a lesbian, I have nothing against them, I'm just not one. But I loved Ally, she was the best best friend I could even ask for and as I sat their admiring her, I promised myself that I would never ruin this friendship, she my rock and I needed her and that was that.

"You're staring." She stated, peering at me with one eye, the other stayed closed.

"Just admiring your presence." I replied propping myself onto my elbow.

"I bet it rains, or someone has an argument, or someone dies." She said nonchalantly.

"You're always such an optimist." I replied sarcastically.

"Nah that's you, I've always thought expecting the worst is better, less disappointment, you however seem to have too much hope to believe in such negative thoughts." She smirked, clearly proud of her assessment and smart language.

"You are such a pessimist." I laughed.

"And you the optimist." She retired smiling.

"Like winter and summer."

"The sun and the moon."

"Well, they say opposites attract."

With that she giggled and rolled back over so we once against faced each other.

"Will you promise me something?" She asked quietly.

I nodded, accidentally dropping a clump of my sodden hair into my face. "What?"

"Promise to be here for each other for the rest of our lives? I want to be best friends with you when we're old and grey and racing around in wheelchairs." Ally said, pushing the hair from my face.

"I swear." I said seriously, and then smiled, "who else would be my wing woman?"

She laughed and then we laid back down, soaking up the sun, the sand and the memories.

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