Chapter 50 - Meeting His Family

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It was only when we were welcomed into the home when my wonderful contentment was drained and replaced with nervousness. I couldn't help but constantly smooth out my skirt or twist any strands of hair.

"Hello, you must be Amelia! We've heard so much about you!" said a dark haired women, she was a very pretty lady, slim in an idigo frock, she had dark hair and dark eyes and olive skin, I knew instantly thay she was friendly, not only by her laugh lines and crinkles by her eyes, but from the warm smile and hug she gave me upon welcoming me. "I'm Elizabety, Nash's mother."

"Hi." I said stupidly smiling at her shyly.

"And I'm Will." Said a booming voice and in strode a tall and muscular male, around the age of twenty, with closely cropped dark hair and the same brown eyes as Elizabeths brother.

"He's my only older sibling." Said Nash, looking a little embarrased as Will took him in a headlock and russled his already untameable hair.

"Older, Better, Prettier." Will told me with a wink.

"Yeah, sure." Nash laughed, nudging Will in the ribs.

"Oh, Amelia, This is Chad, the boys' dad" Elizabeth called to me, pointing at a man just as tall as Will but larger around his middle and with a mop of grey hair. What shocked me about Chad was his eyes; they were identical to Nash'.

Chad smiled at me, muttering a quick 'hi' and shaking my hand. I looked away from Chad and found Nash had left the room. I panicked a little, not liking the thought of being stuck in an awkwsrd silence before asking Elizabeth where he would have gone.

"Darling, you can call me Liz and Nash is probably talking tp Skylynn outside,you can go see if you'd like."

So, I went to search for my runaway boyfriend and the only other girl in the family. When I eventually did find them, I didn't approach them, I just watched, because it was the most adorable thing, Skylynn was sitting on Nash's lap, with a tiny white rabbit on her own, she gently stroked it and Nash was watching her like she was the only thing he could see. At one point the rabbit nibbled at Skylynns fingers and she laughed so hard that Nash fell into a fit of giggles to.

It was then that I was spotted.

It was the rabbits fault. Skylynns laughter had scared it off and sent it hopping down to me. I gently scooped the tiny creature into my arms and walked over to the two.

"I think I found something of yours." I said, handing her the tiny ball kf fluff.

"Yeah, she's my Munchie." Skylynn told me proudly. Then she leaned over to Nash and whispered in what she thought was a quiet voice, "Who is she?"

Nash chuckled, "Sky, this is Amelia, remember? My girlfriend you wanted to meet? And Millie, this is Sky, my little sister."

"But she's so pretty, why is she your girlfriend? Did you buy her something she wanted? Did you buy her a pony?" Sky asked not-so-quietly.

"No, Sky."

"Huh. Well, it's nice to meet you, Amia." Sky said in an adorable attempt at formality, she also couldn't quite pronouce my name.

"You too, Sky. You look very pretty today by the way." I told her, and she did, she wore a floral pink dress and sparkly slip on shoes, her white blonde hair was tied up with a boy and her chocolate brown eyes sparkled with delight.

"Thank you!" She giggled, standing up and twirling.

"Guys, we need to leave now!" Liz shouted from accross the garden.

"We're coming!" Nash shouted back and Sky grabbed my hand and got me to skip back with her, as if we were a pair of primary schoolers, which was okay for her, I on the other hand, just looked weird.

The Griers and I squeezed into the large car and made our way to the resturant, all except Hayes. When I asked Nash about where he was, Nash shrugged.

"He keeps to himself lately, doesn't really talk much, didn't want to come today apparently." Nash looked both upset and irritated about the situation as he spoke, "I think he's trying to punish himself about what happened to-"

He stopped then and gave me a worried glance, I squeezed his hand to tell him I was okay, although I was still struggling to get over what happened to my childhood bestfriend.

The journey was long and loud, but still enjoyable. Apparently the resturant was a while away, but you could buy any meal you wanted amd it would be cooked to perfection. I was extreamly excited to see what all the fuss was about and the minutes flew by as we sang to the radio and joked about idiot drivers. It didn't seem to take long before we were pulling up outside a large building.

Don't mess this up. I thought to myself, First impressions are everything.

And with that we entered.

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