Chapter 46 - The Accident

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It had taken seventeen minutes to drive to the hospital, I rushed to reception, my heart thundering in my chest and the memory of what Detective Harvey had told me exploding in my brain like bullets.

I let him in istantly, leading him over to an empty armchair. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he watched me with obvious empathy.

"Amelia," he started, folding his hands together on his lap, "Your friends have been in a terrible car accident."

Suddenly, I felt trapped and the air around me became difficult to consume, "what?" I breathed.

"Well, after they left the cinema, the underage driver lost control of the wheel by the roundabout at wallmart, a couple of your friends were already being taken to intensive care when I left to find you, but I'm afraid the conditions of the others is still unknown and will be until tests are completed to ensure there are no long term effects."

I stared at him for a long moment, focusing on his words and trying to comprehend what he had said and what it meant I had to do.

Eventually, after what felt like decades, I'd made my decision.

"I need to go to the hospital. Now."

"I understand the concern you must feel for you friends but I must advice that you-"

I cut him of mid-sentence, "this is not a negotiation, I'm going to the hospital to see them."

With that I grabbed my keys from the side and shoved my feet into wellies. I was about to walk out of the door, when Detective Harvey caught my arm.

"I'll drive, it'd be stupid to let you go alone in your state." He told me, holding out his hands for the keys - which I gave to him obediently without hesitation.

"Okay." Was all I'd said before we rushed into the car and towards the unknown.

Now, standing infront of a tired looking receptionist, I had no idea what to say. Everytime I opened my mouth, nothing would escape my lips. It seemed too real; I'd only seen them a few hours ago, how could so much have changed so fast?

Luckily, Detective Harvey had caught up to me and was able to construct the simple sentence I had struggled with.

"We're here for the five teenagers from the car accident this afternoon, could you please give us some direction as to where we can find them?"

"Sure sure, er, let me see." She clicked a few buttons on her computer and then handed me a peice of paper with a map of the hospital printed onto it, "it's right here, darling." She told me, circling a room with her pen.

I grabbed the paper and rushed of, shouting my thanks without looking back.

I rushed through corridor after corridor, looking for the room I had been told to go. The sharp fragerence of antibiotics filled my nose and the constantly white walls and floors felt repetitive and endless.

After ten minutes of wandering around the halls, I found the room.

The only reason I knew I was in the right place was the fact that Ally and Hayes were sitting close together on plastic chairs just outside. I stopped at the end of the hall and watched the two, half relieved at how fine they seemed to be and half terrified about finding out why the others weren't with them.

Suddenly, Allisons head jerked up and she saw me standing like a statue watching her.

"Aimee! I'm so glad your finally here!" She told me as she rushed down the hallway and squeezed me into a bone-crushing hug, I hugged her back, all the while my anxiety growing; however, it finally reached it's limit when I realised Ally was sobbing onto my arm.

"Al, you need to tell me what's going on." I said both softly and stern at the same time.

She nodded once and wiped her eyes. After finally recovering and looking a lot calmer she began. "So you know about the accident?"

I nodded once. She continued.

"Well, me and Hayes were on the left side and when we crashed, the car twisted and landed on the right hand side, that's why the doctors think Hayes and I are okay, because we didn't really bump into anything. Nash had somehow got left with the middle seat after you left, so he's alive, but apparently he's got some broken bones and serious cuts, he's also struggling to breath but the doctors belive strongly that Nash will be fine." I let out a breath that I hadn't realised I'd been holding.

"What about the others?" I asked, taking her hand and squeezing it in encouragement.

"Well Cameron was on the right hand side, apparently most of the bones on the right hand side of his body have beem shattered but luckily, none of the major ones needed to survive, their still suprised he's even alive. But-" her voice broke off but she continued shakily as tears rolled down her cheeks, "he's in a coma, Mils, they don't know when or if he'll wake up." I pulled her into a hug, which she returned immediately, but this time she didn't break down in my arms.

"Wait, Amelia," she said, pulling away from me, "there's something else you need to know."

"What is it?" I said shakily, something in her voice told me this was going to be the worse part.

"Amelia, Daisy was in the front on the right hand side, the glass from the windows went everywhere and they couldn't get her out of the car until around half hour ago, she got here ten minutes after that but apparently glass got inside her body nearly everywhere, she's internally bleeding and there's a peice of glass puncturing her heart that would be impossible to remove without killing her." She looked me straight in the eye then, mkre serious than I'd ever seen her, "Mils, they don't think she'll survive the night."

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