Chapter Thirty Four-The Beach

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We were awoken the next day by Matt banging a wooden spoon onto a metal frying pan-where he got the frying pan from, I will never know- Nash rolled over at the sound and nearly squished me under him.

"Nash, wake up!" I whispered urgently, poking him gently in the ribs and sitting up myself.

"I really don't feel like it." He groaned grabbing my arm and pulling me back down beside him. We were both on our sides,I had my back to him and he rested his chin on my head. "Can't we just stay here?" He mummered.

"Nope,c'mon." I said,dragging my body from his and out of the stuffy tent. "He's not getting up anytime soon." I told Ally who was headed over to me, open armed for a sleepy hug.

"Ah, well I know how to get him out of here." She got out her phone and started playing music really loud right next to the tent, then over the top of all the noise it was making she yelled. "AMELIA, PUT YOUR TOP BACK ON! YOU CAN'T STRIP HERE WITH ALL THE BOYS AROUND!" She was actually pretty convincing in her pretend telling-off and in a blink of an eye, Nash's face popped out of the tent.

"Liar." He scowled at Al.

"WAKE UP!" She screamed at his face, while I sat there laughing at the two of them.

"Morning beautiful." Came Aaron's voice, he swung his arm over my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek.

"Morning gorgeous." I joked, earning a chuckle in response.

Aaron moved my hair behind me ear and whispered, "you need to put some clothes on love, because if you don't, Carter will no longer have a girlfriend to brag about."

I looked over at Carter, who hurriedly looked up from my butt to give me an awkward smile and wave before turning to Maggie who gave him a menacing glare.

"Now I would offer you something of mine,but were basically the same size so I don't think it'd do much good." Continued Aaron, just as a giant hoodie flew from my little tents opening.

"Wear this." Shouted Nash from the tent. It wasn't a question. I pulled the hoodie over my head and it fell to a few inches above my knees, I had to roll up my sleeves a few hundred times but it seemed to please to boys so I didn't mind.

Nash eventually pulled his body from the tent to join us around the fire. Everyone looked like the living dead to be honest, except for Ally and Cam who were happily sitting and chatting with one another, holding hands and whispering to one another.

I sat with Nash, my legs draped across his as we waited for Matt to cook breakfast. Why we trusted Matt to cook, I did not know and apparently neither did Nash because he dug into his bag and pulled out a bag of croissants which he shared with me.

"What are we doing today then?" Asked Ally excitedly.

"Going home I hope." Replied Jack J, with Carter and Jack G nodding their agreement from either side if him.

"Yeah, I'm not staying longer than I have to." Said Lexi, admiring her nails and brushing off imaginary dirt from her clothes.

"Me and Dais were gonna go out to the carnival today, sorry guys." Said Hayes, looking excited and guilty at the same time.

"But you can do that any day!" Wailed Ally, "what about you too?" She asked, pointing at Matt and Kat.

"I've got work tonight and Matt agreed to get me there, sorry guys." Sat Kathryn, almost sadly.

"But me and Cam wanted to go to the beach and then stay another night!" Ally complained, pouting.

"Hey, me and May will stay!" Said Aaron with Mahogany smiling tiredly next to him.

"Yeah, and me and Millie!" Said Nash looking as excited for it as Allison had moments ago.

"I have nothing to do today." Said Shawn with a shrug, "I'll stay."

"I go where Mils goes, I don't feel like staying in her house by myself." Said Megan, eyeing my croissant and seeming like she didn't care what happened as long as she got some food. I handed her my remaining half and she took it with a grateful smile.

"Wait so who's coming? That's me and Al, Nash and Amelia, Shawn and Megan and Aaron and Mahogany,right?" We all nodded in agreement. "Okay that's great then, that leaves loads of us staying!" Said Cam, looking pleased at his organisation skills.

So, by 11:45am, we'd all said goodbye to whowever had left and made our way to the beach with a little basket for lunch and a blanket to lay on the sand. The boys wore only swimming trunks while the girls wore shorts and bikinis tops (me and Ally wearing matching white ones), except for Megan who wore shorts and a baggy Tshirt; it was a miracle we even convinced her to wear shorts instead of jeans.

Ally pulled me in front of the rest of the group so we could talk in private, "you and Nash are dating then?" She asked. I didn't say anything, I didn't need to, she saw my blush before I knew it was even there. "FINALLY! Tell me everything!" She squealed excitedly.

I repeated the whole of last night to her in detail all the way to the beach, she laughed and joked and was just genuinely very excited about the whole situation.
"Oh my god! We can go on double dates and live next door and get married together and have kids that are best friends and..." The list went on for a while. Our reality was every other best friends dream that we were living.

As we were talking apparently Nash and Cam had decided to get us both drenched within two minutes upon arriving. I literally had just put the basket of food down when Cam picked me up easily and walked me too the water while I flailed my arms and legs like a crazy person. I looked over and saw Nash doing the same with Ally, his perfect teeth shining in the light like someone promoting toothpaste in an advert. Ally pulled a kiss face at me and pointed to Cam and I knew instantly what her plan was.

I leant forward too fast for Cam to react and kissed him on the lips, at exactly the same time as Ally planted her lips on Nash's. Both the boys instantly dropped us and we pushed them down into the waves laughing like crazy. Megan and May had joined in against the boys and we were fending them off quite easily until Shawn and Aaron decided it was time to attack and all four boys grabbed a girl each and dragged them under water.

"I surrender." Yelled Mahogany, sputtering water from her mouth and Megan joined her in defeat. Ally and I stayed strong but it wasn't long until I too gave up the fight.

"Sorry Ally, it's too hard!" I apologised to her.

"It's fine Aimee, Shawn and Aaron already left. Just me versus this nerd now." She replied looking at Cameron with a smirk. Cameron looked just as determined to win and splashed her furiously alongside a violent warrior cry. Ally burst out laughing and Cam took the opportunity to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her down.

I laughed and began to walk of, not far ahead of me Nash had started headed back to the beach, which turned out to be a lot further than I originally thought. I ran up behind him as quietly as humanly possible when sloshing through the ocean and jumped onto his back. He stumbled forward before regaining his balance and continuing his journey with a smile on his face.

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