Chapter Thirty Six - Ice cream

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Some time after I had fallen asleep on the bed of sand, May and Megan had returned with some story about some place and some cool thing that has happened and in case you hadn't noticed, I had not been paying attention; I am a sucky friend. Ally looked as though she was listening intently, but I could tell that if you asked her a question about what she'd just heard, she would come up blank. I didn't even bother trying to hide my disinterest in the subject-again, I am a horrible friend- I just sat up and looked around, wondering if the boys were heading back, and sure enough four attractive young males came strutting towards us, juggling pots of ice cream. I seriously have no idea how they struggled considering they held only two pots each, one for each hand, however they found a way to complicate the easy task and then decided that the best way to solve the issue would be to complain about it. I gazed at the small pots filled with heavenly deliciousness and wondered which one was mine, each had its own uniqueness. Aaron has created a wonderfully fruity combination of banana ice cream with blueberry sauce and random small berries sprinkled over the top, he had also made Mahogany a splendid mix of strawberry ice cream, raspberry sauce and edible pink sparkles, it was all too colour coordinated for my liking, but may seemed happy so who cares. Shaun had decided on vanilla ice cream both times, however his had chocolate sauce and chocolate chips whilst Megan's was decorated in lemon sauce and something that could only be described as fruit salad cut up so small that it just looked like mashed up jelly, but he somehow managed to make it look extremely tasty. Cameron had made Ally raspberry ice cream with raspberry sauce, chocolate buttons were planted randomly inside the ice cream and on top of it and the whole thing was topped of with the edible glitter that sparkled to the floor as it trickled from the side of the pot. Cameron's own ice cream had literally been chocolate ice cream to the extreme, he had chocolate ice cream,chocolate chunks,chocolate sauce, chocolate sprinkles,chocolate buttons, chocolate flakes and even little squares of a cadburys milk bar drowning in the chocolate swirls. Nash had decided to make his into a banana split type of thing, he had half vanilla ice cream and half banana, with chocolate sauce and chopped up banana and sprinkled with chocolate shavings, mine however was the most bizarre, made entirely by none other than Nash who claimed it suited my "funky personality". It was orange flavoured ice cream, bubblegum sauce, chopped up berries and banana, white chocolate shavings and multicoloured glitter topping of the whole marvellous abomination. It looked like a rainbow had been pulled from the sky and stuffed into the little pot. I loved it. We all grabbed our desserts and dug in, it was so good that I wanted to savour every mouthful but at the same time I hadn't wanted it to melt, so consequently I was the first to finish.
Putting my pot down next to me and quickly pecking Nash's cheek in appreciation, he smiled and wiped chocolate sauce from his mouth, he apparently didn't notice to clump of chocolate stuck to his nose because he left it untouched.

"What time is it?" Asked Aaron through a mouthful of frozen milk.

"Erm, about quarter past four?" Megan suggested, looking around our gang for affirmation. We all muttered in agreement and Aaron continued.

"So what are we planning on doing?" He asked.

"I feel like getting drunk." Said Mahogany, "I'm with my best friends in the world, we're camping in the middle of nowhere, no adults.. Why not?"

There was silence for a moment and then Shawn shouted "HELL YEAH!" Which was turned into some kind of chant between the boys, the girls were left deciding how to find the alcohol."

"We could steal some from the store, I have the perfect plan, we could take kitchen knives to scare them, Lea can drive the getaway car because she's too sentimental to be aggressive, we could do it at 3.45 in the morning because my mum said that's when the roads are the least busy and then we could-" started Megan.

"Or..." I interrupted, "we could each take some from our house, not enough to be noticed but enough for us?" I suggested.

"Perfect! But why can't we just buy it?" Ally questioned.

"We're too young." Explained Megan.

"Did you have the whole burglary planned out your whole life?! You seemed to have planned it all out pretty well!" Said May shakily, staring wide eyed at Megan as she had done since Megs suggested stealing.

"She's pretty sadistic." I stated, Megan just smirked.

"So we're doing Aimee's idea yeah?" Ally asked, wiggling her eyebrows impatiently.

We all nodded and told the boys, with that we split our group in half and headed to our homes to collect the drinks.

Girl Meets BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora