Part 32 | It's All Over

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Y/n's perspective :

The whole class is already out of the room. Only the three of us are here now. I give him a death glare and gesture him to move. He doesn't move an inch. I finally open my mouth and say, "Could you please move out of the way?"

"No. Listen to me first." He says.

"I don't want to. Please, let me go." I say, avoiding the eye contact, but he stares sharply down at me.

"Were have you been these past five days? Were you sick? You could've atleast told me a word."

"Why should I? Who am I to you? You have your own secrets, but I shouldn't have mine? Just get out of my way." I try to push him, but the force is not enough to move his huge body.

"Do you really think, what you saw that day is real?"

"I saw that with my own eyes Yoongi. Don't act!" I say coldly.

"So, you DO believe, all of that was true?"

"Yes, I do."

"...Okay. Okay. You think that it's all true right? Let it be then. Answer to this question-" I cut him off and say, "Yoongi, let me go!!"

"Answer this and you are free."

I stop pushing him and fold my hands crossed and wait for him to ask.

"You think that, she's my girlfriend or something right? Why'd you have to be so sad about knowing that I have a girlfriend? I mean, you're just my friend. Why must you be so sad and depressed about it?"

My mind goes blank, after listening to that. He looks at me intently, waiting for my answer. I don't look at him, I don't move and I don't even open my mouth. He comes more closer, and holds my elbow.

"Just, answer me y/n!"

He says with a cold tone, though I can feel the pain behind that coldness. I look at him and see his red eyes, trying to fight back tears.

I stare at those eyes, and I honestly have no idea what to answer. I loved him, but I can't tell that to him now, because I know he doesn't love me back. If he does, he wouldn't have done that, on that day. I don't want to make a fool of myself.

"It's.. It's just.. I.." I trail off.

"You what? Just... tell me."

"Nevermind. You can't understand that. I just wish you to be happy with your girlfriend. Now, please will you move?"

"What? First of all, she's not my girlfriend. And.. you didn't answer to my question yet."

"Just say it Pabo!" Jimin, who has been watching the whole thing, speaks up suddenly.

I look at him wide eyed.

"I mean, just say it, if there's anything to say." He covers up.

"There's nothing to say. I was just.. mad at you for not telling me beforehand. That's all. Rest all is fine." I say.

"Wait- that's it? You really don't have anything else to tell me?"

"What else could it be?"

"If there's really nothing.. then explain this." He says, showing that watch, which I bought for him that day.

"Why does it have 'To Yoongi' on it?" He questions.

Where the heck did he get that? Wait-

"Wondering where I got that? You left this in the car that day, after I dropped you off at your place." He says.

Holy heavens! Since when did I adapt this freaking habit of forgetting stuff in cars?

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