Part 27 | I Don't Know What You've Done To Me

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> At school, after a few days.

Y/n's perspective :

I am sitting in my classroom as Mrs. Shanji is explaining the lesson.

Why's it so boring today?

I look to my left at Jimin, who look more bored than me, and then I turn to face Yoongi on my right, who is already sleeping.

What? This guy is sleeping? I mean, it's not his fault. Even, I feel bored today.

I nudge his shoulder, tiredly in an attempt to wake him up. Jimin pulls my shoulder and faces me and starts whispering in my ear.

"Y/n, let's get out of here. It's so much boring. I can't do this anymore. I'll fall asleep." He says.

"Yes! Let's go." Yoongi says out of blue.

"When did you wake up?" I ask him.

"Hehe. As soon I heard Jimin say that heavenly sentence." He replies with a sleepish smirk.

I just roll my eyes.

"Pretty please!" Jimin and Yoongi literally beg me.

"Okay. Fine. But how?" I ask him.

"Min? Park? What are you both doing, ganging up on y/n like that? Let her listen to the class." Mrs. Shanji says.

I try to control my laughter as they both exchange amusing glances. They both look at each other and exchange a small smirk.

"Madam? We're not ganging up on her! We're just trying to help?" Jimin says.

What's he saying?

"Yes Mrs. Shanji. She says, she's ill. We need to take her to the clinic." Yoongi says.

They give me a look indicating to play along. I realise that and act like I'm about to faint.

"Yes Mrs. Shanji. I guess, I.." I put my hand over my forehead to give more impact to the biggest lie. I'm infact doing it to hide my laughter actually.

"Oh, okay. Take her to the clinic then." She says.

I can feel Jimin trying to hold onto his laughter too. They both pull me up, and start to take me out of the room.

"Oh- wait! Why are two of you going? Aren't one of you enough?" She questions us.

We exchange perplexed looks and I open my mouth finally.

"I guess, I need them. It's just.. so hard to stand." I say, as I act like I was about to faint.

"Oh, okay y/n. Take care. I guess you're stressing so much with your studies and all. Boys, take care of your friend. Take her and go now." She says.

They nod and we all come out of the classroom. We walk to the end of the hallway and sneak up to the rooftop. As soon as we go there, all of us burst out into laughter.

"Oh my god! This was so much fun!" I say.

"I didn't expect you to be so good at acting y/n." Jimin says.

"Wow. That was hilarious. You acted like you are about to faint? Seriously?" Yoongi says.

"Haha, you should thank me. If it were not me, then one of you would be sitting in the class by now." I say.

"True though." Jimin sighs.

"So, what now?" I ask.

"Um.. guys?" Yoongi says hesitantly.

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