Part 25 | Apologize

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Y/n's perspective :

Leena turned around and looked at me with a confused look on her face. Mr. Lee is also so confused. There are also some other students who are pretty confused about the situation.

"Leena.. I'm really really sorry. I didn't knew you have that phobia. I just played that chord... randomly. I really wanted to have a fair race. I.. shouldn't have done that to you. I don't deserve this." I say in the mic.

Leena just stares at me with wide eyes. Mr. Lee is still so confused. Yoongi comes running to me and taps on my shoulder and asks me what I'm doing.

It's not a good thing. Inspite of having that phobia, she came onto the stage and performed. I shouldn't have done that. If I knew earlier about this, I seriously wouldn't have done that.

"I'm sorry Yoongi. I think I didn't do right." I say to Yoongi.

Leena comes onto the stage to face me. She starts talking.

"Y/n. I really appreciate you apologising. I thought you did that on purpose, but now that I know the truth... don't worry, I forgive you." She says.

"Wait- really?"

"Yes. You were great today. I mean, it's kind of hard to believe that you're a starter of piano. I know you've been learning piano for just one quarter. But, yet you were so good. When I started learning piano, it took me one whole year to learn how much you've learned by now. I can imagine how hard you worked to stand on this stage today. Trust me, no one deserves this trophy better than you. Congratulations."

I stare at her smiling. She smiles back at me warmly. I go to her and give her a hug. After a while, she breaks the hug and says, "Don't ever regret about what happened today, because though you think you betrayed me, you've done a favour for me actually."

"A favour?" I ask in a perplexed tone.

"Yes. It's the first time I came to play the third round. Thomson was the one who always participated in the third round. But, this time, I did. I wanted to win anyhow this time, since it's our final year. Though I didn't win, I have learned something more than success. I learned that, we need to leave all our fears and phobias behind, if we need to succeed. I learned this because of you. So, thank you." She says giving me a smile.

I don't know what to say, so I just nod at her smiling. She gives me a thumbs up and people in the auditorium start cheering for us. We all smile at each other and I go to Yoongi running excitedly.

"Yoongi, she said, it's not our mistake. She forgave us." I smile at him excitingly.

He looks at me fondly and give a small smile.

Yoongi's perspective :

Wow y/n. You never fail to impress me. I can't believe you went and apologized as soon as you knew you did something wrong, infront of all these people. I told her to play that cord beacuse I know Leena wouldn't give up easily, especially after what happened before the competition. I didn't get any other idea other than this. But, y/n... really apologized her didn't you..? And you didn't even let my name out. Whoa. I like you so badly now.

"Come on. Let's go to Jimin. I want to show him this trophy." She says excitedly.

I nod at her. She holds my wrist and starts me pulling down the stage. We see Mr. Lee from a distance and he does a thumbs up and a small claps.

"I want a party later." He shouts.

"Sure sir." She shouts a reply, excitedly.

She still holds my hand, as we make our way towards the dance hall.

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