Part 3 | A Deal

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Y/n's perspective :

> At music class after school. (after a few days)

"Okay class! Dismiss!" Mr. Lee says as the class ends.

I pick my things up and go to the piano practice room. I peek into the room and see nobody there. I gulp as I enter the room. I don't see anybody and so I sit near a piano and start playing it. I've learned some basics in the past few days and I feel I'm pretty good at it.

"No no no." I hear someone saying. I turn around to see Min Yoongi.

"You're doing it wrong. In a hurry. When you're playing a piano, you have to start it slowly."

I'm shocked.

Since when is he here? And, why is he explaining all this without even asking?

I just nod and start playing accordingly. I look at him waiting for his comment.

"Better." He says.

"Are you done yet? I want to play now." He adds.

"Before that... Can I have a word with you?" I ask with a low tone.


"A deal."

"A deal?"

"Yes, a deal. I think you know about Mr. Lee's 'teaming up' program. He insisted me to team up with you."

"And what if I say no?"

"Um, it's actually going to benefit you more than me."

"Huh? How?"

"Mr. Lee told that you are not good with your grades. If you team up and help me in learning piano, I would help you in improving your grades."

He goes silent.

"If you aren't going to improve your grades this quarter, you are probably going to be kicked out of the school and worse.. kicked out of the music club. Please.. If you help me, I'll help you back." I add.

He looks at me in shock and then realise what I said is true.

"How do I believe you? I mean... you do like a nerd, but-" I cut him off, saying, "I got an A+ in all the tests this year. Go and ask Mrs. Shanji if you don't believe me."

He thinks for a moment.

"Okay. I agree with your deal." He says.

"Wait- really?"

"Should I tell you twice? "

"Um, no, sorry."

"I agreed, because you looked like someone who is really interested in learning. No body has ever dared to ask me. But, you did. And, anyways it's gonna help me too."

"Oh, Thanks!"

"I didn't compliment you" He said coldly.

"Oh.. okay. I'm Y/n, by the way."

"Did I ask your name?"

"Well... no."

"Then, why did you say? The first thing a pianist must learn is discipline. Learn that first."

"Um... Sure. T-thanks." He looks at me with a confused face as I say that.

"Um, I mean, Thanks for teaming up with me."

"Okay. Now, leave." I am about to leave, but then, he asks, "Wait- what did you say your name was, again?" He adds.

"It's Y/n."

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