Part 18 | Real Special Person

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Y/n's perspective :

Everybody just left. I go to my mom and help her cleaning.

"You don't have to do all these, you're already tired. Just go and sleep." My mom says.

"So are you mom. Let me help you. We both can go to bed faster this way." I smile at her. She laughs.

"What did I even do to deserve the best daughter like you."

"You became the best mom and that's why you've got the best daughter." I wink at her. She laughs again.

We finish up cleaning. I kiss mom on the cheek, and head to my room. I change and sit down to write my diary.

It's my birthday today. Oops. Sorry, correction. It's my 'best birthday ever' today. Everything was so different today, compared to my past birthdays. I didn't realise having friends would change my life so much. Jimin of course, he's the best thing that happened to me this year. Jungkook also is a very good friend. Yoongi... he's a real special person to me. I completely regret what I thought about Yoongi in the start. He's really a very very very sweet person, when he has to be. Knowing what type of person Yoongi is.. I'm still kind of shocked with his behaviour today. He used to always be ready to tease me, but today he didn't. He also said I'm pretty. And, he gave me a present too. AND he said I'm important to him too. I'm like, so happy right now. I don't know, why I'm getting so excited about it though. But, yeah one thing is for sure, I'm so happy to have a person like Min Yoongi in my life :)

I close my diary and fall asleep happily with a smile on my face.

> At school, after a few days.

Jimin and Yoongi meet up with me as I'm arranging the locker.

"Good morning y/n." Jimin says.

"Good morning." Yoongi says.

"Good morning guys. Hey, by the way, we have practice sessions every afternoon."

"Oh? They informed already?" Jimin asks.

"I saw on the notice board."

"Oh. Okay."

I close my locker and turn around to go to my class. I see something falling down from Yoongi's bag. I pick it up and see. It's a keychain. It's a keychain with the first letter of my name.

Wait, why does he have a key chain, starting with first letter of my name? Or does it belong to someone else?

"Yoongi..!" I call him.

"Huh?" He turn around and see my confused face. I lift up the keychain to show him. He wide open his eyes and pull that keychain from me.

"Where did.. you find this?"

"Um, it fell from your bag."

"Oh. Okay. See you in the afternoon." He says and leaves.

Jimin and me go to our classroom. Our teacher is currently busy with some fest arrangements, so we have a leisure period now. I can't help but think about that keychain all the time.

"Hey!" Jimin calls out to me.

"Huh? What?"

"What planet are you on? You look like, you're thinking something deeply."

"Um, do I?"

"Yes. Are you going to tell me?"

"It's nothing Jimin.. I.. I'm just..."

"Wait, let me guess. Is this something related to Yoongi?"

I wide open my eyes at his words, because I seriously didn't expect him to guess that.

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