Part 29 | Do You Like Someone?

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Y/n's perspective :

Days pass since that night. But, the feeling's still the same. Infact, it's increasing day by day. The way he looks at me, the way he teases me, the way he chuckles and oh, that nose-eyes scrunch he does, when he gets annoyed. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Everything about him is the cutest! I just love everything about him.

"Hey y/n." I hear my favourite voice as I turn around to see 'my man of dreams' coming running towards me.

"Hey." I wave at him, as we both enter the school buliding together.

"Are you late today? You generally come to school, before me." He says.

"Yeah, I didn't have my breakfast, I woke up late." I say.

"Wait- You didn't have your breakfast?" He asks.

"Yeah. You know.. It became late-" He cuts me off, and says, "Here, have some biscuits."

He takes Jim-Jam biscuit packet from his backpack and hands that to me.

"You don't have to.." I say.

"Shut up and have these now." He says.

I take them, and give him a small smile. He stares at me, as I eat them.

Oh! Please stop it Yoongi. You know, I can't stan your gaze.

My cheeks start to heat up as I eat those cream biscuits. I can still feel his gaze on me. He realises, that I'm blushing because of him. He starts giving a side smile all of sudden, which raises the rate of my heartbeat. He chuckles softly as I eat my biscuits like a squirrel, 'cause I can't handle this tension between us anymore.

"Cute." He mutters.

Did I hear that right?

"Um, I mean, you don't need to eat so fast, you know? Neither me nor those biscuits are running anywhere." He adds.

Did he just call me cute? Voh mayi gawd!! I feel like, I'm melting.

I just look down at my feet and eat silently. He still stares at me, making me blush more.

"Is it enough, or do you want anything else? I can get you something else from the canteen if you-" I cut him off and say, "No Yoongi. Thank you. I'm fine."

Yoongi's perspective :

"Ahem." Jungkook comes, with Jimin behind him.

"What's going on?" Jimin asks, in an attempt to tease me, because I'm alone with her.

Ugh! This guy is so annoying!

I roll my eyes and say nothing.

"Um, y/n? Do you have some time, I need your help with some questions. You know right, I have a test today." Jungkook says.

"Oh, yeah, sure..." She says.

They both go near his locker and start discussing some questions. I look at them with a worried face.

"Um.. earth to Yoongi.. " Jimin calls me.

"Huh? Yeah? What?" I say blankly.

"What're you staring at so attentively?" He asks me.

"Don't act like you don't know." I say hesitantly.

"Haha, I mean, why are you staring at her so attentively?"

"Well.. Jimin.. I have a question."

"What question?"

"What if Jungkook likes her too..? He's definitely charmer then me. He teases her less than me. He is good at almost everything. He can.. be a perfect match for her..."

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