Part 9 | Sleepover

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Y/n's perspective :

Jimin and me go to my house by walk. Mom said, she'd be home soon today. So, there'll be no problem for dinner.

"Mom.. I'm home. Jimin also came."

Mom comes and greet Jimin.

"I'm really happy that you both are back again." Mom says. Jimin nods and smiles.

"Mom, we are going to have a sleepover today. Yoongi's also going to come."

"Oh.. Yoongi? That piano friend of yours?"

"Yes. That's him."

"So, you're friends then?"

"Well.. Yes."

"Ohhhh. My sweetheart made another friend!"

"Stop teasing mom."

"Haha. I'm so happy for you."

"Oh, mom! So, so much happened in school today..." I explain mom everything.

"Wow... I'm so proud of my daughter."

"Thanks mom."

"Um, auntie.. I actually want to apologize for doing all this. I hurted her a lot." Jimin interrupts.

"Oh, don't worry Jimin. Things happen in friendship. But, be happy, because the bond keeps growing."

We all laugh and then I go to my room to change.

Yoongi's perspective :

I knock on the door of y/n's house. It's a simple, cute house, unlike my super big mansion. A woman with short hair comes and greet me in.

"Hello. You must be Yoongi! Come in, please." She lets me in and I see Jimin sitting on the couch. He is still in his uniform.

"Hey Yoongi! Come here." I go and sit beside him on the couch.

"Why're you still in the uniform?" I ask him.

"Oh, yeah, I should change. I've been waiting for half an hour. This idiot doesn't come out."

"You've been waiting..?"

"Yeah, I mean, my clothes are in y/n's room. She went in for changing, she didn't come out yet."

"What?" I give him a confused expression.

"I have some spare clothes here. In case of emergency sleepovers like this."

Oh. These people are really close then.

Her mom comes and sits in front of us.

"Take these snacks guys." We nod and take them.

"Uh huh. Jimin. Only clean hands." She says, as Jimin stands up rolling his eyes, to wash his hands.

"So, Yoongi. You take them. I've heard a lot about you."

I cough a little after hearing what she said. "About.. me?"

"Yes. You're the second friend she's made. I want to thank you for helping her today."

She told her?

"Um, she... told you?"

"Of course. She says everything to me. She is a very shy person. I'm happy that she's finally opening up and making new friends."

Why am I feeling awkward?

Just then, y/n comes out of her room, dressed in pajamas. She didn't wear her glasses. She is also not wearing her regular ponytail.

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