Part 10 | Thanks For Listening

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> At school, after the sleepover.

Y/n' perspective :

I meet Jimin at the school gate. We walk together to the classroom. People stare at us and start talking about us.

"Hey, are they together?"

"I mean, they do look like that. But, I don't think so."

"Well, they better not be. Or else, I'm not going to leave that nerd alive."

Jimin hears some students talking like this. He turns around to them and says, "Who are you to talk about us. You don't even know us. You have no right to talk like that. Y/n is my best friend. And, I'm never ever going to listen to people like you again."

Those girls run away, after listening to what Jimin said. Everyone in the hallway, start staring at us. But, I'm so proud of Jimin. He stood up for me. I go and give him a hug to calm down. I smile at him and we head to the classroom.

> At music class after school.

I sit in my regular place, in first bench, when I hear some familiar voice coming from the door.

"May I get in sir?"

"Min.. ? Yes, yes.. Come in, come in." Mr. Lee says.

The whole class is shocked, because it's the first time Yoongi came to the class in this quarter. He comes and sits beside me in the first bench. Students stare at us, wide eyed. Even I'm shocked.
May be, I told him to attend all the classes. But, I didn't tell him to attend music class, because there's nothing to learn here for him. He's already a pro at piano.

I hear students behind me whispering.

"I can't believe Min is friends with that nerd."

"I know right. He never talks to anyone atleast. But, now he directly came and sat besides her. There must be something between them."

Can't these people just shut up? They see a boy and girl together and just think, there's something between them. How mature of them!

I look at him for a while., Yoongi looks at me and mouths, 'what'. I just shook my head and concentrate on the class. I feel him staring at me. I turn towards him and mouth him 'what'. He just smirks and turns towards the blackboard.

Ugh! I don't understand this human being.

I start to copy the notes that Mr. Lee has explained. He suddenly pull the pencil that's in my hand and starts playing with it.

"Hey, return it." I whisper to him.

"No." He says.

"But, that's mine!"

"Well, I don't have a pencil. I assume you have a spare pencil and that's why I'm keeping it."

"You don't even have a pencil? Why are you even coming to school?"

"None of your business."

He starts drawing something on a paper. I just sign in anger and take my spare pencil and start noting down the notes.

Of course she doesn't need to write notes. He already know everything Mr. Lee is teaching. But, if he doesn't need the class then.. why did he come here?

"Okay class. That's all for today. I want you all to make a record of what you've learned until today from day one. Work with your partners and submit the assignment by next class. You all may leave now. Um, Y/n and Yoongi, you both stay." Mr. Lee says.

Why does he wants us to stay?

After the class leaves, Mr. Lee calls us. He says,"Yoongi, I'm really surprised that you came to the class, and I assume that you've teamed up with y/n."

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