Part 13 | Why Would He Lie?

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Y/n's perspective :

I pick up the bus at my regular time and have a seat. It's still 7:55 A.M, so I've got a lot of time left for the school to start. I see that old woman again today after many days. Surprisingly, she still remember me. I have an empty seat beside me, she comes and sits beside me. She greets me with a smile.

"Hello. How're you doing?" She asks me.

"I'm good granny. How about you? Um, can I call you granny?"

"Of course, you can." She smiles warmly at me. Just then, I feel someone tapping my shoulder. I turn around to see,
"Hey! Jungkook?"

"Hey. Whatsup?"

"How come you go in this bus? You live in the next street right?"

"Yeah. But, actually, my parents had to go abroad for a few days. So, I happened to stay with my aunt until then."

"Oh, I see. What's your aunt's name?"


"Yebin? Wait- you mean Mrs. Ghim?"

"Yeah! You know her?"

"Yeah, I do. She's actually one of my mom's close friend."

"Oh, that's nice to hear. How's your mom?"

"May be, you can come and see for yourself, sometime."

"Oh.. Can I?"

"Of course, you can. Mom would be happy to see you again."

"O-okay. Sure. I will come." He stares at me for a while, and then smiles at himself.

Why's he doing that?

"You won't introduce your friend to me?" Granny says.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Granny, this is my friend Jungkook." I say.

"Granny?" He asks me.

"Well, not real though. We're like bus mates." She jokes.

"Bus mates? Interesting." He laughs.

We wave goodbye to granny and get down the bus, as the bus reaches the school. We walk into the school together. We see Jimin as we're passing through the hallway.

"Hey, guys. You're both.. coming together?" Jimin asks.

"Oh, that..." Jungkook explains him eveything.

"Oh, I see." Jimin says.

"Yeah." Jungkook brushes his hands through his hair. I don't know why, but I really like the way he does it. So, I just stare at it for a while.

"Anyways, guys, I should to go to the class now. See you later." He goes away, but I still stare at his hair.

"What are you staring at?" Jimin asks me.

"Huh? Um, it's just, I really like his hair. I don't know why. Black hair guys, indeed are cute."

"Wait- you're calling him cute, huh?"

"No, no. Not him, his hair.
I just realised guys with black hair are cute." I say that with a confused tone.

"Seriously? Look at your face. You are so funny." He laughs.

"Ahem. Good morning guys. What're you talking about?" Yoongi comes from behind.

"Oh, hi. Nothing, just casual talk."

"Ah... I see."

Why's he acting strange?

"Shall we go to the class now?" Jimin says.

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