Part 11 | Uncomfortable

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Y/n's perspective :

I sit on my bed and start writing my diary. I don't write my diary regularly. I only write it when I feel something special has happened.

So many things have been happening lately. Jimin and me had a fight. Yoongi helped me solve it. We had a sleepover too. It was so much fun. Well, and today I got to know some facts about Yoongi. He really is a very strong person. He's not as rude as he look. He has this soft side inside him, which is really impressive. I feel sorry for him, but I also feel happy that he trusts me and shared his deepest secrets with me. Yoongi... don't worry, I'll be a good friend to you, no matter what happens. You've done so much for me already and I can't thank you enough for that. I promise I'll be with you whenever you're in need.

I close my diary and start doing my homeworks.

The next day I go to the school and I see Jimin in the hallway. I walk towards him. I accidentally bump into someone on the way.

"Hey.. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.. Oh! Hi Jungkook!"

"Hey! Hello Y/n"

"Um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. I was on my way-"

"Hey! Hey! It's okay. I get it. You are used to bump into people huh?"

"I'm sorry, I am really messy sometimes."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm just teasing you. You're going to your class?"

"Yeah. I am."

Jimin arrives near both of us.

"Oh, hey Jimin. Whatsup?" He greets Jimin.

"Oh, hello Jungkook! Wait- you two know each other?" He asks.

"Well yeah. We were neighbours when we were young."

"Oh! I see.. You were friends?"

"Well, no. She was always in her room, studying all day, when we were kids. So, I barely know her. But, I guess we can be friends."

What? Can we?

He smiles at me and I give him an awkward smile. Jimin and Jungkook chat for a while. We say goodbyes to him, and go to our class.

> At canteen, during lunch.

Jimin and me are sitting at the table and Yoongi joins us.

"So, how was your class today, Yoongi?" I ask him.

"Uh! Don't ask about it. It's History today and I was almost asleep." He gives an annoying expression. Jimin and me laugh at him. Just then, Jimin points out to someone, who is sitting alone.

"Hey, it's Jungkook right? Why's he sitting alone. He generally sits with his friends right?" Jimin says.

"Yeah, I wonder the same. May be, we should invite him to join us for today." I say.

"Wait- You guys want him to join us?" Yoongi asks.

"Um, why not? He's alone today." I say.

Yoongi gives an uncomfortable expression.

"Yoongi.. let me guess. You're not comfortable with new people?" I ask him.

"Um, no, I'm fine. Call him. No problem."

Uh, he's definitely lying.

"I mean, we don't have t-" Jimin cuts me off, and calls out Jungkook.

This Jimin js really good at cutting off people!

Jungkook walks towards us and we gesture him to sit. He sits between Yoongi and Jimin.

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