After fuuto and her finished eating, he took her on a date. They went to see a movie together as well as went to an arcade together. He wanted her to have a good time on her birthday, which from the smile he saw on her face-he could tell that she was. When it got dark out he took her out to eat, while they were eating Kara couldn't help but speak up to him.

"Fuuto...Thank you for today. It's been such a switch from what I've been used to. I actually had fun and felt like I was special today."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. I can't believe your siblings get on my shit for how I treat you yet they can't even remember that today was your birthday. What type of sibling does that to their sister?"

"Apparently they do...but I'm just glad you were around this year. I don't know if I would have been able to deal with even more pain and torture from Nile."

Fuuto held onto her hand tightly. "I promise you that you'll never have to deal with that nonsense ever again."

She squeezed his hand tightly and smiled. "I'll keep you to that."

After they finished eating he took her home only to see Nile waiting outside of the hotel. "Where the hell have the two of you been? The entire day I've been looking for Kara."

"I don't give a damn if you've been looking for my girlfriend stay the fuck away from her. She isn't yours to touch, if I find out that you've touched her without me around I'll make damn sure you remember to never touch her." Fuuto hissed out coldly before he took Kara inside.

They went up to her room by going up the elevator, as they got to her room they saw that her room door was opened fully. Fuuto looked down at her. "Did you want to stay in my room tonight Kara?"

She nodded her head. "I don't even wanna know what he did."

He gave her the key to the room he was supposed to be in, "Here go in, I'll be there soon. I'm going to shut your room door and see what damage has been done."


Kara went to his room before Fuuto saw that Nile had gone through all of her things, so he cleaned everything up before setting a trap for Nile with Kara's pillows. Once the trap was done he shut the door and went to his room where Kara was waiting for him. "I set a trap for him in your room, he went through your things so you're going to have to see what he took tomorrow."

"O...okay. Thank you Fuuto."

"Yeah not a problem, I'm going to protect you just like I promised."

She nodded her head before she hugged him and kissed him on the lips. He kissed her back as he picked her up and placed her on the bed with her legs on either side of him. Kara allowed him to strip her of her clothes as she did the same to him, as he finished undressing Kara they both could hear Nile knocking on Kara's bedroom door.

"Little sis, can I come in?"

Fuuto looked to Kara. "I'm going to make you scream out so he knows he can't ever touch you."

She looked to him flustered. "O...okay."

He kissed her on the lips as he started with fingering her as they both could hear Nile still trying to get into Kara's room but the door automatically locks so there was no way for him to get in again without the key to her room which she had. Kara whimpered out softly as she held onto his upper arms. His fingers curved into her as he pushed them in deeper only for her toes to curl up at the feeling of his fingers inside of her.

Fuuto then kissed down to her neck marking it as he could hear her soft moans come out of her. "That's it, moan out for me Kara."

Fuuto then got her to release for the first time that night, he pulled his fingers out of her before he adjusted her legs so they were on his shoulders. He then began to lick up the mess she made of herself making her moan louder as one of her hands went on the top of his head.


He held onto her hips tightly as he drove his tongue into her deeply making her become louder with every movement his tongue made inside of her until she came again making her pant out of breath. "D-Damn it Fuuto...w-what the hell?"

He chuckled and smirked at her after he licked his lips. "I am making damn sure your brother knows he'll never be able to touch you. I should be the only one to ever touch your beautiful body."

Her eyes widen in shock. "Please tell me you aren't going Yandere on me right now fuuto."

He smiled at her. "Never, I'm just making sure you know that you're mine and I'll kill anyone who dares touches you that has harmed you in the past."

Kara placed a hand on his face softly. "Calm your self Fuuto, you're turning into a yandere. I'm not going anywhere and I won't allow anyone to touch me as long as you're around me."

He placed a hand over hers that was on his face before he kissed her lovingly on the lips. "You better not." He spoke softly before he slipped himself inside of her.

She moaned out as he kissed her on the lips once more as he held her hand with one hand and her hip with the other keeping her still as he pushed himself deeper and harder inside of her. He broke the kiss to kiss down to between her breasts to mark her there as well before he took one of her breasts in his mouth, Kara didn't understand just what was going on with him. But she was enjoying the pleasure that he was giving her. He got his wish as he had pulled out of her and turned her onto her hands and knees-it was then that she was screaming in pleasure, his name being the only thing that left out of her lips. He kissed her neck softly as he laced his fingers with hers as they came together.

Once he pulled out of her they both could hear Nile yelling as he was pounding on the door. He chuckled as he looked down to Kara. "Don't worry he's not getting you, but I guess what we did worked."

"Yeah and now I'm tired." Kara whined out

"Then sleep, I'll be right beside you when you wake up."

She plopped down on the bed and shut her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head softly. "I love you Kara, happy birthday."

"Mnm...Thanks Fuuto. You're the best." 

Book One: Lemon one-shots [Anime & Games]Where stories live. Discover now