Chapter 56

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When the funeral ended, I powerwalked outside as fast as I could without drawing too much attention to myself. I probably bulldozed over someone's grandma, but I didn't care. I heard Bri whisper-yelling my name, but I ignored her. I pushed open the double doors and didn't see Monroe or that strange man. Worry started filling my stomach. This wasn't right.

"Seven, just trust him." Briana said. I knew she couldn't possibly understand considering she doesn't even know who Monroe, or who her mate for that matter, truly is.
"He said if he wasn't back by the time the funeral was over that he'd meet us back at the house okay? I'm positive everything is fine."

I nodded my head and twisted the ring on my finger nervously. My necklace wasn't glowing so I took that as a positive sign, for now. I followed Bri back to her car and climbed inside.

"You did amazing up there." She said after we had been driving in silence.

"Thank you." I muttered biting my fingernail.

"Seven what are you so worried for?" She asked confused.

"You wouldn't understand, but a lot of people don't get along with Monroe or his family." I said trying not to say more than that.

"Why? He seems like a decent guy."

"He is, but that doesn't matter to bad people Bri, I'm just worried that's all, you'll understand when you and Eli become closer." I sighed.

"How do you know Eli and I are even going to last? Guy's are not good at long distance." She said sadly.

"Cittadino's were raised differently, and trust me, you two will last." I reassured her still keeping my gaze out of the window.

"If you say so." She said turning into her house. I walked inside and pulled off my black dress. I pulled out my phone looking at the ten text messages I sent Monroe. I don't know who that man was or what he wanted with Monroe, but nothing good could be coming from his first reaction when I was up at the podium.

I decided to take a shower to hopefully shift my mind off of things. The hot water rolled down my body relaxing me, but not by much. Suddenly I heard my phone ringing and I nearly fell out of the shower running to go get it. I trailed water all over the floor as I stood naked seeing Russo's caller ID pop up. The feeling in my stomach intensified as I answered.


"Where's Monroe is he okay?" I asked breathlessly cutting him off from his sentence.

"Yes, Monroe is fine, but I've bought you a plane ticket and I need you back here within the next couple of hours, there's a car waiting for you outside, Monroe sent me the address, you aren't safe there. We have something important to talk about that cannot be discussed over the phone." He said, he even sounded like something was wrong.

"Is Bri safe?" I asked worried.

"Briana is not in danger. If she was she'd be coming with you, since she is Elijahs mate, but just be as quick as you can."

I quickly stuffed the black dress in my back and pulled on some black sweats along with my boots. I grabbed Monroe's bag and ran to Bri's room.

"Listen, I have to go now, there's an emergency back at home." I said sternly before jogging down the stairs.

"Wait what? Seven is everyone okay?" She asked running behind me.

"Yes, I think, but I don't have time to explain anything right now okay? I promise I'll call you, I'm so sorry." I said leaving her standing at the door confused and disappointed.

"I'm sorry Bri!" I yelled as I climbed into the taxi.


I was really tired of the airport, but I almost became sick on numerous occasions during the plane ride. The altitude and nervousness did not help, I also hate surprises, so that only made it worse. Russo said a car would be waiting on me at the airport and would bring me back to his house. I went through security and walked as fast as I could to the double doors where a man stood beside a black car.

"Seven Knight?" He asked. I nodded my head handing him my bags. I got into the back seat of the car and the drive felt like we were going at two miles per hour, but I knew it was just the anxiousness.

Forty minutes later we pulled into my Aunt's neighborhood and passed her house up as he drove to Monroe's, I still don't understand why he hasn't called me, and that worried me, because that was so unlike Monroe. He knows how horrible my anxiety is.

We pulled up to Monroe's and I grabbed my bags leaving them on the porch before barging inside. Russo, Evelyn, Lacey, Sterling and Eli stood there, but still no Monroe. My chest tightened even more.

"Where is he?" I asked concerned.

"Monroe is fine, he is handling some things right now, he didn't want to worry you-"

"Well in case anyone was wondering, not telling me anything worries me more than anything, I nearly broke my neck trying to jump out of the shower to answer your phone call." I snapped.

"I understand Seven, but listen this news is not easy to hear, and couldn't be said over the phone." Russo explained carefully.

"Please God tell me the news." I begged trying to keep my heart from beating out of my chest.

"The Elites know that you are Monroe's mate, but they know that you've healed one of the biggest family wolf and vampire rivalries to exist, so they aren't investigating this further. However, they have required that within the next twenty-four hours you will be changed into a vampire, or they will have Leonardo kill you himself."

My jaw fell to the floor. I didn't know what to say or what to do I just froze. Was I ready for this? No. I wasn't. I swallowed hard replaying the words kill and change in my head over and over again.

"W-why- did they call you? Where's Monroe?" I asked not knowing what to say or what to ask, my mind and my heart were running at ninety miles per hour.

"He never wanted you to turn, Seven, but he knows he can't ever let you die." Evelyn started wearily, "He is at a meeting with the Elites and Leonardo right now. They've arranged a deal, to ensure peace. They don't what a bunch of wolves and vampires forming an alliance to save Roman, so if you are changed, Leonardo has to set Monroe's mother, Roman, free."

My breath hitched in my throat and I didn't know what to say, I obviously wanted Roman's mother free, more than anything, but now my human life was ending. I sat down and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Okay." I sighed breathlessly. "Then I have to be changed."

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