Chapter 53

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Lacey told me she would skip hunting and grab a blood bag instead so that we could plan Monroe's surprise party. I made sure to let her know through text Briana, another human who knows nothing, was here so that she wouldn't say to much.

"Monroe's sister is on her way over, we're planning him a surprise party for his birthday tomorrow." I told Briana as we sat on the balcony smoking.

"Oh yay!" She smiled, "But I know you must be hurting about your dad, I wish I could've been there for you, but I couldn't reach you."

"Yeah I know, I went MIA I guess."

"Drugs are awful, I always hoped he would get clean." She sighed. My stomach started to turn and I wanted so badly to tell her he was clean and was getting on his feet before a vampire who wanted to hurt me, took his life, but I couldn't.

"Yeah. " I lied.

"Well I'm just happy you're happy, Monroe seems like a really great guy." She said giving me a half smile. Her platinum hair blew against her face from the wind. Suddenly there was a light tap against the door and I turned to see Lacey standing there with her black hair down and she was wearing a skin tight black corset on top of a regular white tee. She paired it with black leggings and heels.

"Hey lacey." I smiled, "This is my friend Briana."

She smiled at Briana not saying anything, but I knew Briana wasn't going to let her be quiet for long.

"My God, is everyone in this family a Calvin Klein model?" Briana sighed. Lacey actually laughed.

"Thank you." She replied.

"You are welcome." Briana smiled taking a drag of her cigarette.

"So, I've already ordered, the- food." Lacey said hinting towards blood. I smirked as she struggled.

"Great. We might need more food, like mini sandwiches and stuff like that, you know?"

She caught on to my hint realizing Briana would be attending. "You're right. I also ordered the decorations and drinks. It's just going to be a family get together, Monroe doesn't have many friends, as you know."

"That's why him and Seven are so great together, she don't have any friends either, except me." Briana added making me laugh.

"What time should we get there?" I asked Lacey.

"I'd say six." She responded tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled.

"Has anyone ever told you two you are too pretty to smoke those? Good Lord it smells like a bunch of sixty-year-olds at a bar poker game out here." Lacey scoffed.

"Only your brother, about thirty-seven times." I sighed making her smile.

"At least he's not completely stupid." She sighed standing up, "Well ladies, I'm going to buy the last minute things before the family gets home, so I'll see you two tomorrow." She walked back into my bedroom shutting the door behind her.

"You know, that was such a short visit that shit really could've been done over the phone." Briana said. I knew Lacey could hear her, but Briana didn't.

"They're old souls.. They hate using phones." I laughed playing it off.

"Oh. I see." Briana laughed.


I woke up to Briana's snores blaring in my ear. I picked up a pillow with my eyes still closed and slammed it against her head making her jump up.

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