Chapter 24

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I sat at the desk in my room attempting to write Monroe's biography. It's crazy that in just over a week I could know so much about that mysterious guy challenging the office staff. I remember not being able to take my eyes off of him. He made my heart beat accelerate even then, when I didn't know his name.

I wrote down everything I've learned about him, excusing the vampire parts of course. But I did mention his great grandmother being a great leader. I didn't add a date and only added her origin in Egypt, and that she mended the relationship between Egyptians and Haitians. It made sense he came from a line of powerful leaders. Monroe was fearless, strong, and he is a protector.

His favorite color is red and his birthday is in September. He doesn't like animals, even though he spared "bambi" for me. Also, did not include that.

He loves finding authentic artwork. He hates smart phones and prefers letters as a method of communication. Thinking about it made me smile.

Monroe has faced unbearable heartache, but still finds a reason to smile.

As I wrote this biography, I realized how much I truly felt for him. I've been protective over him since I met him. I didn't know at the time we would be where we are today, but something about him always intrigued me; something so much deeper than teenage hormones. My heart started to do that thing again. The glowing sensation that was so overwhelmingly beautiful that it caused discomfort.

My phone rang and I saw Monroe's name appear on the screen abruptly pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hello?" I answered placing the phone on my shoulder while continuing to write.

"Good afternoon Seven, how did you sleep?" He asked. I smiled at his smooth voice that sung notes even though it was deep.

"I slept good. I didn't even feel you get up." I laughed softly.

"You were sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to wake you." He said.

"I got your note. All is forgiven." I smirked even though he couldn't see me.

"Don't worry I kissed your head before I left."

I blushed deeply smiling at how sweet he was. "Well thank you." I thought about everything Raymond told me and the feeling became even stronger. I mentally slapped myself for contributing to this feeling in my chest.

"How is your biography coming along?" Monroe asked. I looked down at my paper, only having two paragraphs written.

"You know there's so much about you I'm trying to condense into one paper, leaving out the obvious of course,"

He chuckled seductively distracting me from my sentence.

"But I've already got two paragraphs so, that's something." I finished.

"I finished yours last night when I got home." He said proudly.

"Ohh. I see." I clicked my pen open and shut.

"When I left I couldn't stop thinking about you, so I decided to write it all down."

I could feel my cheeks heating up. He couldn't stop thinking about me. A smile crept across my face.

"That made you smile didn't it?" He laughed making my smile fall from my face in embarrassment.

"No.." I said shyly.

"I wish I was there to see it." His voice carried through my ears like a song. Not only was he captivating but his voice was the kind that could lure you in, no matter who you are. Like a siren. Sirens have beauty and a beautiful voice that lures men in and kills them.

"Am I going to get to read this biography of yours?" I asked.

"Hmm. No." He answered bluntly.

"Monroe." I laughed taken aback by his honesty.

"Maybe, we'll see." I could hear him smirking even though I couldn't see him.


He chuckled softly, "Well love, I have to go run some errands, but I'll pick you up in the morning a little before 7. I have something planned."

The smile on my face came back

"Alright." I answered.

We got off the phone and I looked down at my unfinished biography. Suddenly my brain started to flow with ideas.


I rubbed my hand out after an hour of non stop editing and writing. I finally finished it. I've always enjoyed writing I've never written about someone so close to me. You would think it'd be easy, but it definitely wasn't.

I walked downstairs to grab some water and I saw Raymond standing at the door talking to a woman, who had honey brown hair and tan skin. She looked to be in her thirties.

Her glance shifted to me. She let out a cough as I came down the steps and Raymond shifted.

"Seven, this is Mya. My sister." She was a beautful woman. She looked like she's been through it though. A healed scar was across her chest, showing through her green v-cut shirt.

"Hey, I'm seven." I smiled. Her eyes moved straight to my pendant.

"Hello seven." She continued to look at my pendant then she met my eyes again. "Well I better get going Raymond, I'll call you."

Without hesitation she turned and headed away from the house. That was weird.

"What was that about?" I asked confused. Raymond sighed. "I don't know, but it might have something to do with your necklace."

I looked down at my pendant that was now glowing red. My eyes turned up in confusion.

"Raymond this necklace was blue earlier."

"I know it was. Where did he say he got this necklace for you?" He asked confused.

"Haitian witches. They're friends." I answered still holding the necklace in my fingers. It started to slowly shift back to blue. He watched it change with curious eyes.

"It did this when you came around my sister, and she seemed to have noticed it. We're both wolves, but it doesnt change around me, I have no idea about these things."

"Me either. Maybe it's a mood necklace?" I laughed, "I guess I'll just ask Monroe tomorrow."

Raymond felt slightly distant still thinking about what had happened with my necklace. "Yeah, do that."

I walked away from raymond still holding on to my necklace. Even before my necklace changed colors I felt an off-feeling about Raymond's sister. She didn't seem pleased with me. Something in my gut was telling me something about this wasn't right

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