Chapter 7

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I navigated my way through the crowded hallway, getting a few confused stares here and there. This was clearly a school where everyone knew each other.

I accidentally bumped shoulders with a brunette girl who was very tan and had big square shaped glasses. 

"Oh shit my bad." I said to her.

"It's no big deal! Hey wait, What's your name ? I've never seen you around before and I know everyone." She said. Her voice was high pitch to the point I thought she was going to squeak.

"Seven. I'm new here."

"Seven? Like the number?" She laughed.

"You got it." I sighed.

"Oh wow, and you're a senior?" She asked looking me up and down. I nodded my head in response. "That must suck transferring to a new school senior year. I'd literally kill myself."

I was taken a back for a second then laughed l, "yeah it's life though, I guess."

"Well I am Rachel, you can call me Rach."

I nodded. "Oh okay. And hey can you show me where my first hour is?" I asked pointing at my schedule.

"Oh yeah of course, let's see, Brooks! I have him too!"

I didn't know if I could handle listening to her voice for another second, however I was relieved to meet someone kind. She led me through the crowded hallway to the last door at the end of Hall B. There were a few students already in class and then I notice, Monroe sitting in the back, resting against his chair. His eyes flickered to mine making me quickly look down.

"Where do you want to sit?"  Rachel asked me.

"Um, anywhere is cool." I said.

"I usually sit in the front, but someone took my usual seat." She pouted.

"What about the back its pretty empt-"

"Hell no." She scoffed cutting me off.

"We dont sit anywhere near the Cittadino's they're weird.. bad news."

Cittadino(s) ?  There were more?

I looked over at him, he smirked and chuckled quietly, but loud enough so I could hear him.

"Let's just sit here." She pulled me towards the middle area.

I could feel his eyes burning a hole through my body.

We were far enough from him, across the class I felt comfortable to ask Rachel a little more about this mysterious person. One question I couldn't ask her that I wanted answered though, was why he is stuck in my head?

"So when you said 'stay away from Cittadino's' are you saying there's more, like  him?" I asked quieter than usual.

"Monroe has two brothers, and one sister. They're freaks." She scoffed. I sat back in my seat taking in what she was saying. I was considered a freak at my old school simply because I didn't talk so I dont judge off of gossip.

"They just don't fit in here." She continued.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Like, look at them. They think they're above the rules, they walk around high and mighty as if they're better than everyone else, even their parents are weird."

I looked over at Monroe who was looking down at his desk with his fingers intertwined. I noticed a Silver cross ring on his index finger.

"Hello Class. I'm Coach Brooks, or Mr. Whatever you want to call me, I don't care."

"Is that so" Monroe stated. Some of the class giggled, but Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Zip it Monroe." Coach Brooks warned

"I'm just playing around old man." Monroe said. His voice was so soothing.

"Now I have made up a seating chart, at complete random because I don't have time to get to know any of you. So everyone stand up and go to one side of the room please."

As he called each name he pointed to a desk. Name by name was called but I still haven't been. Rachel was sat in the front like she wanted.

"Seven Knight." He called. "That's a new one, oh and a new student."

I hate that he told everyone that however im sure they could guess.

"You and smart ass Monroe should get along good, with your unique names." Coach Brooks added. I heard Monroe laugh under his breath.

I walked over the desk that he pointed to which was against the back window.

"Monroe, I want you up front and center." He said pulling a desk away from the rows of desks. He placed the desk in front of this book shelf 3 feet from his desk.

"For quality time?" Monroe smirked. He was a smart ass. But it made me laugh.

Coach Brooks rolled his eyes.

The day went on. I dragged from class to class meeting my new teachers, having them ask a million questions about my name, and now it was lunch. Rachel told me to text her so she could introduce me to her friends which I wasn't really excited about, but it's not like I have anyone else to sit with.

Rachel: Cafeteria table in front of the stage.

I read the text and headed for the double doors that had Cafeteria written in bold red letters above it. I immediately saw the table Rachel was talking about.

As I walked across the room I got a few stares and heard a "she's kinda hot though." I rolled my eyes and smirked at the comment.

"Seven! You're here great, this is Greg, Dylan, and Steph." I looked at all three of them. Greg was your typical blonde hair blue eyed guy, Dylan had red hair, and Stephanie was a preppy blonde.

"Hey im Seven." I smiled. They smiled back and continued their conversation.

I caught myself looking around the Cafeteria, but I didn't see Monroe.

I skipped lunch and conversed with Rachel, then the bell rang to go to 7th period. I left Rachel behind since I knew where to go, Mrs. Adams. Business literature. I passed her up on my way to Coach Brooks class.

I pushed through the double doors that led to the back parking lot, where I slightly jumped as Monroe was leaning against the brick wall right next to me.

"Scared?" He laughed. His eyes glew as if the sun was out beaming on them.

I laughed back softly, "I guess I should've been more aware."

"Agreed. I'm offended you didn't notice me." He smirked.

If only he knew I've been noticing him all day.

"My bad." I smiled. My heart beat accelerated when I looked at him, I felt so awkward even talking to him, as if someone like me isn't good enough to be in his presence.

"So you're the new girl huh?" He popped a piece of gum in his mouth. His gray eyes not leaving mine.

"That's what everyone knows me by." I sighed.

"Nah you're Seven... like the number." He winked putting the gym wrapper in the pocket of his black hoodie. "You better get to Mrs. Adam's before you're late."

He walked off leaving nothing but confusion on my face. How did he know my schedule?

He then joined a tall, still shorter than Monroe, insanely gorgeous brunette with fair skin, and a long black sweater dress with ankle boots. She kept her eyes on me as Monroe walked towards her. I felt a chill go down my neck and looked down as the other two guys from before joined them. I had no idea where they even came from. They were a beautiful family.

I could feel my face blush as I thought about the conversation we just had.

I heard the bell sound again that left us 1 minute to get to class. Damn.

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