Chapter 23

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I opened my eyes slowly feeling the bed empty beside me. I remember falling asleep next to Monroe, but was it a dream? My hands went up to the pendant dangling from my neck causing a smile to creep on my face.

Definitely wasn't a dream. I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the night stand seeing a handwritten note under it next to a blue pen

Goodmorning sleeping Beauty,

I'm sorry you had to wake up without me, I didn't want you to get into any trouble with auntie. Don't forget our biographies are due tomorrow. I'll be there in the morning to bring you to school.

I smiled at the note and put it inside my bedside table drawer. He was such an old man writing me notes instead of texting me.

I did however see a text from my aunt. It was 12 P.M.

Goodmorning love bug, I'm out running errands today, I would've taken you with me but you seem to be nocturnal. Lol

I laughed at her text and decided to go sit out on the balcony. The sun was shining down today and it warmed up the cool air. I laid back in the lawn chair and lit up a cigarette. I closed my eyes taking in the heat from the sun.

Suddenly I heard a light tap behind me. I looked up to see Raymond.

"Oh hey." I said sitting up a bit. His curly hair hung loose around his face as he stood there with cut off knee high jeans and a red muscle tank.

"Hey seven, care if I join you?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yeah." I waved towards the end of the lawn chair. I sat up sitting criss cross. "You want a smoke?"

"I got my own thanks though." He coughed pulling one out,"I wanted to come talk to you about the other night."

Lovely. I really dreaded having a repeat of the other night however I could at least hear him out.

I took a drag before speaking,"That's fine, but if your goal is to make me doubt Monroe, just save it."

"No quite the contrary actually." His accent came out when he tried to say bigger words and it was cute and amusing.

"I was wrong for trying to make you doubt Monroe, as much as that prick makes my blood boil, I see the way he looks at you, and it is different for him."

"What do you mean different?" I asked. He gestured for a lighter, so I tossed him mine.

"I think, you two might be mates, as crazy as it is to believe someone could be a mate with him, I've never seen him protective over any woman."

My mind started swirling. Mates?  I knew he cared for me, but wasn't it too soon to know this? How could raymond know this ?

"Monroe hasn't mentioned anything, wouldn't it be like this abnormal reaction where it almost kills you to be apart?"

Raymond laughed, "It's not that dramatic Seven, It's definitely a deeper connection than a first love, considering sometimes people aren't ready to be with their mates, or the timing is just off. You can still love other people, and be away from that person, but you will never have a bond with them like you do your mate." He explained.

"I thought you and Monroe hated eachother why would you be pep talking me about our relationship?" I asked confused.

He sighed readjusting his position, "Like I said, it pains me mentioning anything that could possibly bring good towards Monroe and his Clan-"


"Vampires come in clans, groups they're loyal to. Over not only business, but family."

"So like gangs?" Back in texas, the town I was from wasn't the nicest. And gangs thrived. Not your typical bloods and crips, but gangs that united in jail, there's many and not all hate eachother, they have allies for business purposes, debt settlements, and even death, but they're quick to kill even their friends if it meant proving loyalty to them or for the right amount of cash. My dad and his brother were both involved in them. My uncle Chris is still in jail for hiding in the back of my mother's stolen car and then popping up to beat the thief in the head to death with a hammer, out of the back seat toolbox.

My mom and dad would leave me at unknown homes while they went out with my dad's gang friends for hours. They were like a family, until convenience came their way.

"Somewhat, except they're all related. One single Clan can have up to thousands of vampires across the country and especially overseas where they first originated. Wolves run in packs. My family is my pack except we only have about 30 of us. We live in the woods a couple miles outside of town." He explained.

I realized my cigarette went out as I was listening to him. I lit it again and continued to think. So Monroe's clan ranges from here, to New York, and even Egypt and his sister is apart of it. I mentally face palmed, However I knew there was much more to fear about some of these people, well vampires, than just her unpleasantness.

"But anyway, as much I dislike the idea of good coming towards him, despite our families beef, I've heard finding your mate is the closest thing to perfect. It may seem easy to please us immortals, but with all the blood shed that accompanies our immortality, we also have our extreme highs. When we hurt we hurt so badly and when we're sad we're long gone from depressed, but when we love we love so fucking hard. I wouldn't keep anyone from experiencing that, not even that souless fucker. As different as vampires and wolves are we have that in common."

I sat there taking in everything he was saying. Monroe and I were destined to be together? My mind started swirling with questions, but my heart started glowing, doing the same thing it did last night when Monroe kissed me passionately.

"You're lighting up just thinking about it." He laughed.

"Wait what?" I looked up trying to not concentrate on whatever the hell my heart was doing.

"You have undeniable feelings for him." He laughed

"Stop saying that." I tried to contain this feeling, but failed. Was I having a heart attack?"

I looked up into his eyes. Monroe had felt like this about me? This immense glowing sensation filled with affection, lust, and care... I've never felt this in my life. 

"What is the issue with your families? Why do yall hate eachother so much?" I asked trying to make the uncomfortable feeling go away.

"It's a long line of history seven but it goes back to before Monroe and I were involved. Our families have never been allies due to a betrayal from Monroes blood line to us, before he or I were even born." He went on.

"But that has nothing to do with him. Just because some old guys hurt eachother's feelings doesn't mean you should hate every vampire just like he shouldn't hate every wolf." I protested causing raymond to sigh.

"Seven it's more than just that. That was only the beginning. Did Monroe mention the war? That we both fought in? Against vampires and werewolves? That still is happening till this day?" 

I stood there frozen. They fought in a war? I forgot how long they've been on this earth.

"N-no." I shuddered not knowing what to say.

"Well, just trust me. There's a lot to digest in this fucked up world of ours. Stay human as long as possible." He sighed.

"Stay human? Why wouldn't I?" I asked confused.

"It would be hard for you to not want him to change you, so you can truly fulfil forever together."

I hadn't even thought about that. I obviously did not want to be a vampire. Although even thinking about being with Monroe forever causes so many feelings inside of me.

"Well i'll cross that bridge when I get there. But right now I'm breathing and I don't drink blood." I said standing up.

"Well good. I'm glad I got to clear some stuff up." He smiled.

"Me too." I said back.

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